Trending in API & Developers
How to get sheet owner information
I am trying to get sheet owner information through python SDK. But I am getting "None" for owner name. Am I doing something wrong here?
Downloading Attachments from a Sheet with API
Hello Smartsheet Community! I need help downloading attachments from a sheet that currently has a little over five thousand lines and manually downloading isn't ideal. I was able to extract the metadata for my sheet and revising the documentation for the Attachment Object I was able to extract the attachment id and other…
Bridge parent workflow trigger not passing through information to child workflow
Novice Bridge user, so apologies in advance if this is a elementary inquiry. I am following the Engage '24 workflow for creating multiple rows from a single form entry and I'm stuck at the Child workflow. The Parent Trigger is set, but when I run the parent workflow, none of the parent data passes through to the child. I…