Trending in API & Developers
How and/or when does a CellLink Object 'status' get updated to 'BROKEN'?
Across our project portfolio, each project has a main project sheet. This sheet has rows added & deleted as tasks are added or canceled from a project. Individual departments have department specific tracking sheets which mirrors the task list in the in main project sheet and certain key values are linked to the main…
URL String - Any common thread between Sheet and Form?
Hi there, I came across a circumstance where someone had a link to the form but forgot where the sheet lives. Is there anything within the URL of the form that can bring you to just the sheet? I tried cutting out the 'form' from the URL, but unsuccessful. TYIA!
Newly Received 404 with Error Code 1006 on DELETE sheets/{sheetId}/rows API with ignoreRowsNotFound
Hey there, Was a recent breaking change pushed to the smartsheets API? Previously, when calling the DELETE Request to the rows endpoint, I would receive a 200 with a valid response. Now, when requesting a valid sheet, with a valid row, I am unable to get a 200 response and am only receiving 404 with error code 1006 in…