Possible to export a filtered Smartsheet to Outlook?
Hi there, I am new to Smartsheet and am just learning all the features it has to offer. I was wondering if it is possible to export a fiiltered grid view Smartsheet into Outlook 2013. Currently, i am able to export the entire Smartsheet to Outlook, but I want it to be tailored to only include certain events/tasks. Is it…
Monthly Calendar View Exportable to a PDF?
Hi there, I have a large Smartsheet document that I would like to export to a PDF. While I can export it under the card view, regular view, and gantt chart view, I cannot export it with the monthly calendar view. Is it possible to export the monthly calendar view into a PDF or Excel sheet? Thank you!
Need help on Summing Values based on drop down menu that contains text options
Hi, I have a question regarding using formulas and drop down menus. Similar to an FMEA, I want to have dropdown menus (High, Med, Low) for the severity, occurrance and detectibility. Then I want to have a formula that produeces a RPN (Risk Priority Number) by assigning the value 10 to High, 7 to Med and 3 to Low and…
Export to PDF size invariably displayed incorrectly
Most of the time, when I export to a PDF, the information displayed prior to the export is wrong. I've checked different PDF viewers and gotten the same results. Different browsers too, but figured that was a waste of time. Does everyone else just ignore this or am I the only one with this problem? Craig
Average Children Rows with RYG
Hi all. I'm attempting to calculate an average for RYG balls in the parent row. I have gotten to the point of calculating all of my colors, but I'm not sure how to get the average. Here is my calculation thus far: =AVG(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Green") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Yellow") * 2 + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Red") * 3) This…
Link to static cell in dynamic sheet?
Hi, I’m trying to figure out if a feature I’m looking for is available with Smartsheet. I have several Smartsheets, each with their own forms, for recording inspection results of various elements in a warehouse. Each time an entry is created in the form, a row is added to the top of the sheet with the user, date created,…
Count Unique Values
I have a master sheet that is essentially a list of all the schedules we currently have dealing with projects. Each project has its own project number. All i am trying to do is get a number of the projects we have scheduled to compare to the actual number of projects we have in our queue. Now for the tricky part. Some…
Form not submitting data
I have tested, retested and not luck with data in my form I created. I cannot get the data to appear however the active form has entries that I cannot smiply see. Any ideas what is my problem? I create forms all the time and not one problem until today. Thanks
Wondering if there is a way to make an image as a hyperlink (Click on image). I have tested the option of adding image in cell, and also just add hyperlink with text, but I do not see way to actual make the image as a hyperlink. Thanks for any input.
"Publish User is now viewing this sheet" displays on unpublished sheet
I briefly enabled publishing on a sheet by clicking on the "Publish" tab, selecting the "Edit by anyone" slider, and then selecting the "only available to users in the owners account" radio button. Publishing the sheet didn't work for what I was trying to do and so I decided to turn it off. I did so by clicking the…