Exclude blank "Due Date" cells from formula
I'm trying to update my "At Risk" column (Flag icon ON/OFF). I want to create a nested formula. I want the flag ON if all three conditions are met: * The "Due Date" is within one day. Example: if today is 2018-05-04 and the "Due Date" is 2018-05-03, then this condition is met. * I have a "Status" column. If one of these…
Do Not Count Holidays and Less than Zero
Could someone tell me how to write this Excel formula for Smartsheet? Excel: exclude holidays and leave blank if date completed is empty. =IF(NETWORKDAYS(E2,G2,Holiday)<0,"",NETWORKDAYS(E2,G2,Holiday)) Smartsheet: exclude holidays (I have a hidden holiday column) and leave work days total blank if date completed is empty.…
I have a series of cells that aren't continuous, that I Ctrl/clicked into the formula. I want to count how many are Status N/A. I can't figure out why I am getting the Incorrect Argument Set error. =COUNTIF([BV App ID (1) Status]2, [BV App ID (2) Status]2, [BV App ID (3) Status]2, [BV App ID (4) Status]2, [BV App ID (5)…
RYG Formula Help
My formula keeps coming up as Unparsable and I cannot find the issue. Can anyone spot the issue? =IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Green") / COUNT(CHILDREN()) > 0.6, "Green", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Yellow") / COUNT(CHILDREN()) > 0.4, "Yellow", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Red") / COUNT(CHILDREN()) > 0.2, "Red", 0))), IF(OR(ISBLANK([Due…
RYG automation based on percentage
I am hoping to get a formula to work for me- I have read a million boards and non of them work for me! What I am looking to do. If percent >=100, red circle If percent >= 50 and <100 yellow circle If percent <50, green circle this is the formula I am currently using; =IF([Percent of budget spent]2 >= 100, "Red",…
System Field: Date/TimeStamp behaviour
Hi all, Have been a fan and avid user of SmartSheet since 2015. Great to see all the continual roll out of new capabilities / functionality. I am currently working on building a triggered notification on SmartSheet -- essentially, if a specific row has not been updated for "x" days, it will fire a notification to a…
IF ERROR Formula when trying exclue zeros from average
I am creating a sheet for PM weekly time tracking. The top parent row (blue) is YTD roll up of total hours, as well as a column for average weekly hours (<---- this is my issue but I'll to that shortly). I have a child row (green) for each quarter, and then grandchildren rows (white) for each work week. The child rows also…
Populate Start/End Date based on Status change
I use the Card View for quickly creating tasks and tracking their status/state. I'm trying to see if it's possible to take this further and populate the Start Date and End Date fields when the task first enters a specific state. See screenshot attached.
Net duration between 2 dates AND times
Hi folks, Ok, this is a tricky one: I'm trying to set something that was requested by many people on this community forum - a NETWORKDAYS that can account for TIME as well. In other words, the amount of working days/hours between to periods (that accounts for. There is this amazing…
Need help with date formula
I am trying to create a line chart widget. The chart would display the date an incident or incidents were reported on the X axis. The y axis would display the number of incidents scale. The widget would report the incidents per the last 90 days. Only the date an incident(s) was reported would display. in the chart.…