Activity Log should reflect all changes made to a sheet (in detail)
As of today, the activity log doesn't represent all of the activities undertaken on the sheet. For example, if a row hierarchy or conditional formatting has changed, columns formatted/hidden/unhidden or removed, it won't show up on the activity log in detail. This is difficult when we are trying to investigate the root…
Conversations Panel to have option "Mark as Unread"
I found the little red dot on the conversation panel is beneficial, when there is a new comment being submitted. However, having an option to Mark as Unread so I / others can go back to that conversations later, would be really useful, so we wont forget. Currently when clicking on the conversations icon, the red dot will…
Resource Management Schedule Zoom
Resource Management used to have the ability to zoom in and out in day view to show less days of the week. Smartsheet recently released an update that removed this feature and now you are forced to see a full 9 day period which is extrememly frustrating. It would be super helpful if smartsheet could add back that ability…
Redirect to Dashboard/Form Upon Sign-In
Hello, I have a number of forms that require sign-in as well as a dashboard that requires sign-in to see it. I have received several confused messages from people who click on a direct link to a form/dashboard I have sent them, but when they click the link and then sign-in they are taken to a general Smartsheet account…
Easier way or better UX on Group Ownership Transfer
I recently came across that you can't transfer Group Ownership unless you "View Group" first even through there are 2 menus shows up which are miss-reading. I found out you can't transfer from here. When I click this "Transfer Group Ownership…" nothing happens. (No pop up nor warning) If they can't remove it, I need some…
Get the sheet name to reference it in automation email
Use case: User wants to setup an automation email where the sheet name can be referenced as a parameter in the subject and email text (e.g. {{sheet.name}}). Current issue: It isn't possible to reference the sheet name in automation email.
New Recurring Backup Process is Confusing
As a SmartSheet user, I'd like the option of keeping the one-click download for recurring backups. The update requires me to go through each workspace, click through menus, and download myself. As a user, this feels like worse functionality (at least far less, or even not-automated.) It used to be one-click. The term…
Sync User Management list with Smartsheet Contact Lists
It would be extremely helpful to have our users' first and last names and email addresses, as listed in the User Management List in the admin portal, synced with available contacts in the Contacts List to input as a contact in the Contact List column type. People are really confused as to why no names automatically show up…
Timeline Swimlanes shouldn't show if field isn't populated for items in view
customize swimlanes - "group by" feature should not show swimlane/s if that field is empty on all rows in a given filter, or at least give the option to show or hide.
User Merge feature for System Admins
We require users to access Smartsheet via Single Sign On and experience many domain changes due to rebranding, which often results in multiple Smartsheet accounts being created. Because we don't have a centralized instance of Smartsheet, we had a workaround to merge user accounts. It involved using the alternate email…