Please add functionality to flag Comments as private so that only internal users can see the comments or add some sort of feature to restrict who can view specific comments versus viewing all comments.
Please add a column in the User List report that displays all of the alternate email addresses associated with that account. This would make finding users much, MUCH faster than it is now. I have to either contact support or randomly guess at which account may have the alternate email. An alternative idea would be to allow…
We have hundreds of production schedules for individual projects, each of which share milestone dates that are uniformly named. The milestone dates vary per project and we want to create a sheet that has a row for each product and columns for the milestone dates. This will enable project tracking on a global level. The…
My suggestion is to allow forms to have a name that is distinct from what shows at the top of the form. We often use multiple forms for the same event to track which marketing avenue led to the registration, such as Facebook, email, etc. We need to distinguish which form is which when managing the forms but would like that…
Restrict form submissions based on the value entered in a specific field, so that the same unique ID cannot be submitted more than once
Please vote this up! FEATURE REQUEST ALERT! 2 things: I would like the ability in the Pivot App, to "COPY" a pivot table so that it doesn't have to be recreated from scratch every time. It's a waste of time and has too much room for human error, especially when trying to organize and create data for hundreds of metrics. It…
Conditional formatting should have an option that is relative to days that have passed. I simply want a cell text to turn red if the date is 2 weeks (for example) in the past. The existing conditional formatting options are so close. "In the last (days)" and "in the past" are nearly there. It would be something like "is…
We use SAML to authenticate users with our on premise Active Directory Server. We would like a way to sync some of our AD groups to Smartsheet groups.
Please add the ability to 'reset' column order across sheets to match the template. Currently in control center, you can add (or move) a single column to a single destination point. As I understand it, that destination is based on the column position number. So although you may be showing it going in between "Assigned to"…
Please add the basic, universal feature (of all proofing software I've used to date) that allows me to hide comments I've addressed.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
In an active dashboard, if you need to remove a widget that is no longer needed, it would be handy to have a pop-up which could ask if you want the widgets below to be moved up. The cut and paste could be a bit better too. :-)
I have a few sheets that have been created that I need to archive to only be accessible by a few people who are shared directly to the sheet (sheets are used for reference purposes but don't contain current info which now lives elsewhere). These sheets were previously shared to a larger audience, and a lot of them have…
Response to Pro Desk 07270893 session. I have a form set up that creates an entry into a sheet. I am looking for when the form creates the entry into the sheet, to trigger a 2nd sheet (different sheet) and attach the 2nd sheet link in the attachments of the original sheet entry.