FORMULA COLORS: Color Correct Part of Formula and Gray from error part forward. Don't Grey it all.
I LOVE that when you are writing a formula in Smartsheet, the formula adds colors to the references as you make successful references to cells. And how it goes "Grey" if there's a problem in the formula: However, It would be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY helpful if you could keep the PROPERLY referenced cells in color, and ONLY…
Enhance Row Collapse Functionality for Improved Project Management
Our team manages a large number of projects on a single Smartsheet, with each project containing multiple child rows to track weekly progress and phases. This results in an extremely long sheet, making it challenging to navigate and manage efficiently. Our management prefers to have all projects and phases listed on one…
Allow New Users Under the New User Subscription Model to be set to Viewer
Currently when adding a new user - they are hard-coded as a Member. I have a client who knows the user will be only a Viewer and not have access to edit any sheets. She has to wait until the next day to go in and update the user to Viewer. This is really inefficient, and frustrating. They are busy and don't want to have to…
Owner Email Notification: Include link to Workspace
Please include a link to the Workspace in emails sent to the potential new owner of a workspace for the emails with the titles below: user@example.com wants you to own this workspace: workspacename Youre the proud new owner of Workspacename Otherwise, how does the potential new owner know what exactly is being given to…
Contact List and Drop down List values can be referred using a reference from a different sheet
For Contact List and Drop-down list columns currently the values need to be added and updated individually in all columns and sheets eventhough the values are common for many columns and sheets. If we have a provision to have the values referred using a reference from a different sheet, then we can add or update the values…
Gantt Timescale Settings Global Option
Problem: Our project has stakeholders who use free accounts and utilise the Gantt view. They can’t edit the view settings so it currently opens for them in 2023 (start date of project) and also does not show the year so it can cause confusion and annoyance. Solution: It would be great to have an option, in the Gantt…
Dynamic View - Conditional Formatting in Blank Cells
Dynamic View seems stumped by blank cells and doesn't properly apply conditional formatting. In the screenshot below, each of the white cells should have a color. As a workaround, we colored the entire column in the source sheet, which seemed to work initially. But then we realized that conditional formatting to change the…
Resource Management - Ability to unlock time entry for the rejected hours only.
Ability to update only rejected hours at the time card level. Time Card has hours submitted for various projects that are potentially owned by different project owners. Current configuration is project owners are to approve time. If one owner approves hours on their project, but another owner rejects hours on their…
Configure email address of workflow automation
Requirement: It shall be possible to configure the "local part" (before the @ symbol) from an email address which is used as automation address in Smartsheet workflows/automations. E.g. instead of automation@customer.com the local part (here: automation) shall be configurable and replaceable (e.g. support@customer.com) in…
Turn Off Batch Update Requests
Would recommend having the ability to turn off batch update requests sent from multiple rows from a sheet. Having it set as default is fine, however, we have had a lot of complaints from users that they can get confusing. When batched, they clear out the details we pull in from the sheet to the body of the request.…