Copy Collection to new Workspace
Hello - I lead a PMO which manages many projects throughout the year. We have developed template project toolkits for common project types that are copied over for each new project. We are very interesting in creating collections for these template toolkits, but unfortunately it is not possible to copy a Collection to a…
Filter Resource Management Timecard
Our team enters time in Resource Management to many projects. Sometimes 1 person has 10s of projects they are assigned so it makes the weekly timecard rather long and hard to update. The idea is for there to be a filter in the side panel where the user can filter on Projects or Grouips of Projects by client so they can…
Ability to "postpone" a successor task.
If I am working on a schedule for a new equipment installation generally I will have to get a quote, then wait for the quote to arrive, then submit it for Capex approval, then wait for approval, then schedule the installation, then wait for equipment delivery, and then finally installation and commissioning. Preferably I…
Resource Management analytics report to show phase dates
We'd like to run a Resource Management analytics report to show phase dates. Currently, it only seems to show the total project dates, but the data is there in the project.
Visibility of where rows moved too or from in activity log
In the activity log when rows are moved either too or from a sheet having visibility of the source destination sheet would be a great asset as in the workspace there is a large number of Sheets updated daily and several admins.
Bring back date picker in schedule view Resource Management
The date picker to the right of the date slider to zoom in and out has disappeared recently. This makes it very difficult to move forward in the schedule view if you need to navigate to a date in the far future. When the feature was still there you could simply click on the future date, now you have to long click and drag…
Improve Clarity Around Run Now Automation
Despite the text that tries to explain this, I don't think the current documentation for the Run Now feature is clear to new users. What isn't clear is that the Trigger and initial Filter condition are treated together and both will be ignored when using Run Now. Besides the help text description, the visuals for this…
Milestone in Timeline View
Hello support team, when we switch from Grid View to Timeline View, we can only see one time bar per line. The time bar has a start and end depending on the columns selected in the Settings and if there is only one date specified we see only one Milestone. It would be extremely helpful (and I guess fairly simple to…
Share Templates
It would be useful to be able to share a Template with other Smartsheet users. I created a template for offboarding and would like to share with with the rest of the organization.
ESC Key Press: Exit field edit, not Form Edit
If you edit a form and then press edit the field it shows this screen, but make sure you have saved your form already because… If you press ESC while on this screen it will exit form editing without saving the changes to your form. 😶😯😕😲🤯💀 It won't even ask if you want to save the changes to your form. It DOES prompt you to…