Better lookup formula
Implement xlookup equivalent. Current "vlookup" sometimes requires complete sheet rearrangement to work, and can preclude a reverse lookup from working, where xlookup can lookup anything in the sheet from a key field. Excel did this years ago and there's really no reason to ever use vlookup there on a new formula again.
Multiple File Upload Fields on Forms
It would be helpful to have the option for multiple file upload fields in forms, for example for photos, so that they could be associated with particular responses and not grouped together.
Resource Management Filter box horizontal scroll bar
A horizontal scroll bar would provide users with a way to see the entire filter option instead of ellipses. .
Dashboard enhancement: drop down menus
Another request to recapture dashboard screen real estate. I would like to see a drop down widget that expands to show: added context/information hyperlinks Screen real estate is important on dashboards, so I hate taking up space with the links widget. Having a drop down with all the links would be a-maz-ing. If it could…
Widgets from Reports
I would love the ability to add a widget (sums, counts, etc.) right from a report instead of having to do a pivot table to get the same information for a cleaner looking widget.
Dashboard enhancement to title area
I would like to see the title area of dashboards compressed. Feels like there is a lot of wasted space. See image below for suggestion. An entire bar dedicated to a logo and search box is too much. Having the dashboard name and menus in the same space would help. In general, current dashboard configuration makes it hard to…
Change "end date" based on status changes
When an end date is used in a dependency setting, you can't use automation or formulas to change it. However, this is when it is critical (pun fully intended)! When someone marks an item as Completed status, it would be helpful if the sheet could update the End Date column to the date it marked completed. For dependencies…
Resource Management: Improve alignment on schedule views
When multiple resources are added to a project on a recurring basis, each resource does not necessarily stay on the same row in the project's schedule view each week (one row may contain multiple names, with a specific name shown a different row each week) This can make it unnecessarily complex to review the schedule view.…
Resource Management: Include 0% allocations in analytics and data extracts
Smartsheet RM allows a resource to be assigned onto a project on 0% basis (for example, you might want them to be able to record time against the project, but on an adhoc basis without them needing to dedicate a specific % of their time; or you know you'll need that resource during a given date range but are awaiting…
Removing overlapping assignments in RM should have cleaner implications in Smartsheet
Currently, if you go to Schedule view and add a task for a resource over existing tasks, select the Allocation in the hover menu for the new task and select 'Remove Overlapping Assignments', it will create a schedule block for that one task where no other tasks happen concurrently. Problem is, for each of those other…