Calendar view
On application Calendar, we will like a view as a paper calendar (see file joint) with day, week, weekend, day off of country, scolar holidays, verticaly month, on one year. Because the actual view day-month there is the numbert day but not the name of the day, and the weekend, day off, and holidays are not visible. On…
COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in Report Summaries
Currently the summary count function only supports basic formulas. It would be great to be able to have the ability to use a COUNTIF or SUMIF Formula in report summaries. Specifically to count only the checked boxes. This feature would be nice to roll up metric data quickly and avoid the need to create a separate metric…
Make the Update Request Blocking in a Workflow
It would be great if update requests blocked the workflow, or at least could, so that you don't need a separate approval request or second workflow that is (loosely) triggered by the update request.
Additional Symbols for Gantt Charts
At time of publishing, Gantt charts have the capability to display bars (length of time for a task) or a diamond (milestone). Are there any future plans to add other symbols to use, such as a star or a circle to call out other important moments in time while differentiating from milestone diamonds?Thank you!
Embedding images in Forms
Please allow us to embed images in forms. It's highly useful. Especially for those of us who use Smartsheets as a training tool.
Autospacing on Reports
When you add a report to a dashboard, the column farthest to the right defaults to stretching out extremely wide. Is there anything in the works for autospacing in the dashboard view to prevent having to go back and forth between adjusting the formatting of the report and viewing it on the dashboard to see the final…
Customizing Display Fields for Slack Notifications
My team would like to see a future capability of being able to change which fields are displayed for Smartsheet automated notifications on Slack, similar to those in email. At time of publishing, only the first four columns that are filled out are shown. We've identified a workaround by moving the column we'd like…
Make collapse symbol larger please!!!!
We use it on several sections of our smartsheet and we wish we could make this symbol larger or have a way of changing the size. A lot of our users say they find it hard to see and then we get missed updates from them not realizing they need to open a section. We would like not to have to put Open in a cell nearby just for…
Allow Field Mapping
Hi! It would be great if we could map similar fields from one sheet to another in order to bring them together in a report or consolidated sheet, rather than having to rename columns. Use case: We want to link up a sheet that our IT PMO uses and our HR PMO uses. Both have similar fields with different names. We don't want…
Required Fields WITHOUT Using a Form
Can you please provide the ability to require certain fields WITHOUT needing to use a form? Putting a star in the field name doesn't seem to always cut it.