new GRANDPARENT() function
I would greatly appreciate a Grandparent function, especially since PARENT(PARENT()) throws an error. I know we have ANCESTORS(), but that gives you the number of ancestors and I need the specific ancestor value. Ideally, the GRANDPARENT() function would be GRANDPARENT( [reference], [# of generations back] ), that way it…
"Shared To Me" items in a folder/workspace outside of general "Sheets" folder
Let us have a specific folder/workspace "Shared to me" where all items shared individually to us sit nicely together and not in between all the stuff in "Sheets". Somtimes unsers having access to workspaces with one version of a sheet and having another version in their "Sheets" folder mix it all up.
Open to Today's Date when in Gantt view in the Mobile App
When a sheet's Gantt view is set to open today's date it it's settings; the settings do not apply to the Mobile App view. The settings should also take into account when looking at the sheet via the Mobile App.
Log in as another user
As an admin, when I'm testing out new workflows or other things within RM or Smartsheet, I want to know exactly what users will experience with different permissions and access levels. Right now Smartsheet/RM do not offer this feature, but it would be helpful. I have used this feature in Workfront - link to more…
Change the default setting when sharing a sheet or report to "Editor Cannot Share"
The default setting should be changed to "Editor Cannot Share" for sharing sheets and reports. It is a security issue to have the current setting default to "Editor Can Share". We have to spend too much time training users in the difference between the two permissions and why it is important that we grant "Editor Can…
Give the option for Shortcut Widgets to open link in same tab or new tab
Currently shortcut widgets operate differently depending on if you are opening a Smartsheet item or an external link. Smartsheet items open in the same tab. External links open in a new tab. You can have the option for Smartsheet items to open in a new tab by just linking it as external, but you have no option to open…
Group Report By Month or Year
It would be fantastic if there was a built in way to group reports by month or year based on a date column. Something in the group settings when you choose group. If you select a date column you would have these options Oldest to Newest by Year Oldest to Newest by Month Oldest to Newest by Day Newest to Oldest by Year…
Allow Forms to be Saved to a Workspace
Hello, I am submitting this idea/enhancement to allow forms created from sheets to be saved on their own (as forms) in a Smartsheet folder or Workspace. Right now, it can be cumbersome to get to the form.
Multi-Select Projects to "Update Reporting" in Control Center
Whenever a change is made to a blueprint in control center we are already disadvantaged by only being able to apply this change to future projects created from the blueprint. We can however, using Global Updates retroactively add certain rows to summary sheets that can be a proxy to apply changes to existing projects.…
even better integration with Slack
It's possible in slack to add messages to many 3rd party systems manually. It would be great if there was an option to add messages as rows to smartsheet. Our main tool in our company is Slack where the decissions are made etc. It would be great if we can add important messages to Smartsheet.