even better integration with Slack
It's possible in slack to add messages to many 3rd party systems manually. It would be great if there was an option to add messages as rows to smartsheet. Our main tool in our company is Slack where the decissions are made etc. It would be great if we can add important messages to Smartsheet.
Export/Print Proof with Comments
Proofing is great, but I would love to use it for auditing documents. Being able to print/save/export the document with the comments would be a great asset. Additionally, comments should be retrievable into the grid for cataloging.
Make it so that a dashboard and all its components (widgets) belong to the owner of the dashboard.
Currently, a dashboard's components do not belong to the dashboard's owner. If another user adds or edits a widget on a dashboard, that widget does not belong to the dashboard's owner. Instead, it belongs to the person who added the widget. This means that if a dashboard changes ownership, the dashboard will break when the…
Calendar App - ICS Link for Sharing
Hello - when trialing the Calendar App - it gave me all of the functionality I needed to be able to share a calendar externally. However, I want to be able to integrate this calendar on our secure website. I need an ICS link to do so. ICS links are available if you take normal smartsheet grid and view it in Calendar mode,…
Data Mesh Execution Frequency
Hello, I have been having a lot of timing issues with Data Mesh due to the lack of flexibility surrounding the execution time. It would be very helpful to be able to select the hour and day for the weekly execution frequency option and the hour for the daily execution frequency. For example, my business holds a weekly…
Ability to save sort criteria, the same way you can for filters
Please can we have a way of saving different sort criteria. It is incredibly frustrating setting up a complex sort, then having to create again and again each time. Can both sort and filter criteria also be available on reports as well as sheets. Thanks
Dashboard Flow Chart Wizard
We need to have a Flow Chart Widget for the dashboard! I acquired the role of Smartsheet Product owner earlier this year. As our Smartsheet "Solutioneer" I build many solutions to help bridge gaps in processes for various teams such as compliance, product, operations etc. Those that managed our Smartsheet prior to really…
Better access control on proofs
Today, anybody with access to a sheet, can view and participate on a proof. We would prefer to restrict access to proofs using the invitation process or other method. Please add proof-level permissions. Thanks
Text Formatting Options for Details Panel in Dynamic View
Looking for even simple text formatting options in the Details Panel of Dynamic View---currently everything rolls out as tiny font, with no option to increase size, add bold, italics, etc, or even add a line break. This would go a long way in elevating the look of the views to the end user, and making instructions clearer.
Document Mappings Saved for Control Center Solution
Control Center is amazing at taking the hassle out of project creation! Document Generation is also great at eliminating extra work to create standardized documents! However, every time you create a new project in Control Center you must manually add and map each of your documents. This means project provisioning is no…