Smart Dropdown Lists
It would be great to be able to create a form dropdown list based on the contacts in a table. Instead of having to scroll though multiples and if the list of contacts changes the dropdown list adjusts as well.
Drop-Down Contact List
When a contact list drop-down is created there should be a better way to edit the options. They appear in alphabetical order when the drop-down is used but default to the order in which they were added when the drop-down list is edited. This makes it very tedious to edit the drop-down lists. It would be much better if the…
REMOVE - "Open source report to view more" on dashboards
When in dashboards, the green button that says "Open source report to view more" is a total pain in my a**. Please make it go away. It does NOT need to go there. We did without it for years, so I have no idea why someone had the brilliant idea that we want that displaying on our dashboards. Of course EVERYONE knows that…
Display all series in the legend for Pie & Donut Charts even when the value is 0
Currently the legends for Pie & Donut Charts will not display a series in the legend if the value is 0. All other chart types do, but Pie & Donut do not for some reason. This is really frustrating when creating dashboards, because if/when the value updates to a non-zero amount the series colors get all wonky & you have to…
Alphabetize Drop Down Choices
Option to sort a-z or z-a
Log-In Dashboard Landing Page
My idea is to create a custom landing page that can take place as a home page on log in. The concept would be to allow the user to log in, see immediate metrics and KPIs that matter to the organization and let the user see how many system tasks they may have throughout the entire portfolio. This would take the place of…
Multiple Auto Number Columns in one sheet
If a user is able to create more than one form for a sheet, then the sheet should have the capability to generate auto numbers based on that form. The automations are built based on the forms. Currently, I have two forms and a tracking sheet. The sheet already has an auto number column in it and I wanted to ad another.…
Checklist Report
Hello, In my smartsheet, I have something of a checklist with all checklist items on a new row. Each item is accompanied by about 5+ columns for "Checklist Item" "Complete?" "Due Date" "Close Date" "Notes" and so on. The checklist is to be duplicated for each new program we launch and contains 124 checklist items. Since we…
Please consider building mapping tools. For example, it would be nice to be able to generate a simple map showing the location of facilities we service across the states in our region. That map could be displayed on the company dashboard. More complex mapping features would be useful to incorporate with scheduling clinic…
Pivot App Available for Government Edition/Version
We utilize Smartsheet's to allow for collaboration, reporting, and dashboarding across various entities. It would be useful to allow a pivot app option in the government edition/version to summarize content for managers/stakeholders and would be useful for summarizing data for use in other Smartsheet developed dashboards…