Bring back date picker in schedule view Resource Management
The date picker to the right of the date slider to zoom in and out has disappeared recently. This makes it very difficult to move forward in the schedule view if you need to navigate to a date in the far future. When the feature was still there you could simply click on the future date, now you have to long click and drag…
Improve Clarity Around Run Now Automation
Despite the text that tries to explain this, I don't think the current documentation for the Run Now feature is clear to new users. What isn't clear is that the Trigger and initial Filter condition are treated together and both will be ignored when using Run Now. Besides the help text description, the visuals for this…
ESC Key Press: Exit field edit, not Form Edit
If you edit a form and then press edit the field it shows this screen, but make sure you have saved your form already because… If you press ESC while on this screen it will exit form editing without saving the changes to your form. 😶😯😕😲🤯💀 It won't even ask if you want to save the changes to your form. It DOES prompt you to…
FORMS: Add a "Edit in New Tab" option (Workspace Hambooger Menu for form)
Since we often have to go to the Sheet that we're working on as we modify a form, it would be great to have a "Edit in New Tab" option below the "Open in New Tab" option already there when you right click on a form in the workspace menu.
Merged: Multiple line entry on a form.
This discussion has been merged.
Customize SENDER of Smartsheet nofications
Currently, I can select the Sheet Owner@smartsheet…or SmartSheet automation for the sender of the email. It would be great if we could select a generic name for the sender. I have multiple SmartSheets I'm responsible for, and it would be helpful to be able to say the email is coming from: ABC_Process Automation… or XYZ…
Add Calendar View links to Collections
I am unable to add links to Collections for Calendars in Smartsheet Calendar module (not calendar view in sheets). I would like calendars to either be selectable as one of the Smartsheet resources, or embeddable by link.
Bridge Documentation in Smartsheet University
The documentation for Bridge is lackluster and really comes up short for new users (even those who are coding & development-minded). Please add examples of basic workflows that can be built, either in Smartsheet University or in your documentation.
Access Proofs from Dynamic View
I need the ability to access proofs attached to rows in Dynamic View.
Ability to sort column property values in ascending and descending order
Often we will need to update/edit a column properties Values and when the new values are added, they are not always sorted in any particular order. Currently to workaround this, I open an Excel sheet → put the values in a column → sort the column. It would be a heck of a lot cooler if I could do that in when editing the…