Sheet path on report column.
Hi Team, The issue was on the report where multiple sheets had similar names with columns having different column types. Example --> Report with 200 sheets where 20 sheets have similar names and contains columns with the same name but different type so it will appear twice in the report column option but it would be very…
Download Links in Emails not Expiring
30 days when manual and 14 days when it's automated is frustrating, especially since most emails with attachments are sent using automations. We use this feature a lot with 3rd parties, most of whom aren't Smartsheet users. If they don't keep a file on record it usually means one of our PMs has to re-send them a physical…
Easily identify all Reports impacted by a column change or removal
Need a way to proactively search (query a 'where used') on a column name to see all the Reports its used in.
Automated Workflow to Create Cell Link
There are already Automated Workflows to Copy or Move rows. But it would be increadibly helpful to be able to have a workflow created where it would create a cell link on another sheet. That way when a criteria is met such as 'Project Completed' the row could be moved to the other sheet, but still reflect any additional…
Copy a row automation links to New sheet during Save As for a folder
Currently the Automation Copy a row doesn't link to new sheet when you save as a new for a folder with all sub folders, sheets, dashboards, and reports. I have an automation to Copy a row from a metric sheet to a historical sheet to create a trend. I have a report linked to the historical and utilize it in a dashboard.…
Create form using PDF
I would love if I could upload a PDF and the fields on the form create the columns for the Smartsheet form. Mapping in reverse
Product feedback: Unable to enter user comments in dynamic views with a filter
I've encountered an issue while implementing a feature in a dynamic view with both a filter and user comments enabled. Here's the problem: The view permits users to make updates to the record in the 'data' tab, but it forces them to 'save' it before transitioning to the 'comments' tab. The challenge is that, due to this…
Set Users from User Management list as dynamic Contact List
Seeking the ability to set the Users from User Management to be an available option to be the population for a Contact List in a dynamic fashion. In this, if a user is added to User Management, they are also added to a Contact List. Other competitive offerings like Atlassian/JIRA allow for this. Now, from a Grid view, you…
Uploading Folders and or created subfolders in attachments for rows.
We run into this all the time. We went from a folder system to smartsheet. Problem is, there is no way to create a folder in the attachment section of a row or sheet. So if you have many files that need to be categorized under one task/row, you can't. It is all juts dump in the same area with no organization. Would be nice…
Work with Tableau to Establish Smartsheet as a Named Connector
Our Tableau server admins will not approve the implementation of vendor provided ODBC drivers or other extensions. While the WDC connection is functional, they can be flaky and unreliable when scheduling the refreshes from the server. Ideally Smartsheet could work with Tableau to be added to the Named Connections list or…