Removing overlapping assignments in RM should have cleaner implications in Smartsheet
Currently, if you go to Schedule view and add a task for a resource over existing tasks, select the Allocation in the hover menu for the new task and select 'Remove Overlapping Assignments', it will create a schedule block for that one task where no other tasks happen concurrently. Problem is, for each of those other…
Accounting for resources different countries and regions in Resource Manager
This is in regard to holidays and currencies mainly. For example, the only holiday US and Australia share in common are Christmas Day. For the rest, you would have to create leave types and cannot pre-fill them as blocked days for resources. As for currencies, really no visual or reporting difference between US, AU, NZ,…
Changing allocation % in RM doesn't change it in Smartsheet, although resource assignee changes
If % allocation change in RM does not sync back to Smartsheet because it is a parent or ancestor task, why is it that changing the resource will sync back, no problem? I argue there is nothing limiting the allocation% change in RM from sycning back to smartsheet in this context since there is no underlying correlation to…
Granular time sheeting in RM should line up with child rows
In RM you could require category when entering time. However, these are created in RM and have nothing to do with rows in Smartsheet. This should be synced to Smartsheet by virtue of some additional field sync or tagging mechanism so that granular data can be pre-mapped from Smartsheet, in the vein of…
Landscape View in Dashboard
Please add a Landscape view in Dashboard. This would allow for more widgets/gadgets across the page and enable audiences to use this similar to a power point slide but would also capture key metrics, summaries, and other relevant information to key leaders when presenting in WorkApps or sending out daily summaries…
A single user profile setup across all Smartsheet products
We should be able to have a single point to enter and maintain user data across all Smartsheet products. Right now you have two areas to set up and maintain user information if you use the RM tool along with the Smartsheet Core product. This user information should ideally live in just 1 place and Smartsheet should be able…
Workapps - Provide Notification, Alert, Reminder Indicator
Currently, when my users are in Workapps, they can't see, from the Workapp interface, if there notifications for them, and therefore can't respond to the notifications. They must leave the Workapps interface, and go to their standard non-workapp view of the sheet, dashboard, or report to see the bell icon and see and…
Integrate Outlook Calendar to allocation in RM
A way to show resources available time in RM taking into account meetings they have that are not part of a project.
Dependent Drop Down Functionality
If I have a Geo and Region columns, If US is selected in the Geo column, only display US regions in the US column.
Activity Log Update & Workflow Changes
I have a Workflow that tells me when a Release (Unique ID) has been deleted from a sheet used by another team. They never seem to tell me when they are actually changing the value. This is a common practice unfortunately. I would like to have the ability to do 2 things. 1) Display the Old and New value of this change in a…