Proofing: Visible Time Stamp for Approve/Requires Change Button
It's beneficial to know when a proofer has selected the approve or requires changes button. If a comment is not left, then it's unknown when the proofer selected the button. I great feature is to add the time stamp next to the proofers name when hovering over the status at the bottom of the annotation panel.
Ability to Remove Proofers
Sometimes we have a need to remove a proofer if they are no longer assigned to a project or they were mistakenly added. We have a fluid list of stakeholders and sometimes the people added to review should be removed. I would like the flexibility to remove proofers. Thank you for your consideration!
Allow Admin to transfer single sheet ownership
As an admin, when folks leave the company, it is sometimes desirable to transfer ownership of Sheets to different users. Example the person was in HR, some of the sheets they own should go to Recruiting, some to Payroll and perhaps others to Benefits. As the Admin I would like to be able to transfer the sheets on an…
Automatically Delete Attachments when a condition is met
To save on storage space, I would like to automatically delete attachments to a row when a condition is met, as I would no longer need to reference those. Thanks!
Add new filters in Report
Hello, I would love to have in my reports the possibility to filter on "This year", "Next year", and "Last year", according to a date type column. Today we can just define an date interval for example "after 01/01/2023", "before "31/12/2023", and it has to be updated every year. I hope some of you will vote this…
Microsoft My Apps
Hello! We greatly appreciate the implementation of SSO configured through Azure AD. We were wondering if, and if so, when we can expect RM to be extended to Microsoft My Apps. We recently learned that RM is incompatible with My Apps even with SSO configured through Azure AD. My Apps is essential in managing our…
Critical chain method
Good morning, Currently Smartsheet only uses the critical path method, are there any plans to include the option to use critical chain method as well? and to include the fever chart as part of the graphics? These are two ways of managing projects, and adding the critical chain will allow a project manager to choose what…
Automations: Sending Attachments individually, selectably
Currently, automations containing attachments can be sent listing multiple attachments to a given row. It would be very useful to filter or select individual attachments (based on a conditional factor such as if the title of the attachment contained a certain string of text, numbering convention, or even file type) to…
Filter Report Based on Cell
I have some reports in a template dashboard that I would like to filter based on the data within a cell. For example, I have a report to show a project's weekly update. I would like the template to look at the project name in the metadata to filter for that project's weekly update instead of having to manually update the…
Option to Maintain Links when Moving or Copying a Row to a New Sheet
Develop a function, to provide the user with an option when using automation to MOVE or COPY a row to a new sheet, that will preserve the smartsheet cell link already in the cells of the row. Use Case: Often users build out sheets that utilize cell linking. When moving or copying a row to a new sheet, the links are not…