Option to select recipients of notices when a workflow becomes invalid
We currently have a sheet used by many internal and external users for customer service tickets and it includes a large number of workflow automations. There are multiple people that manage the sheet (monitor for issues, make changes/enhancements/etc.). However, if one of the workflows becomes invalid, a notification will…
adjusting the way baseline columns generate
Hi, I would like to make it so if I turn on baselines, I can use currently existing columns for dates and variance, rather then having to generate new ones. The reason for this is so I can use those columns in pre-made reports that are consistent across all projects built from a template, rather than having to manually…
WorkApps / Possibility to see pages in the alphabetical order / groups per type (form, sheet, report
It will be easier to look for pages it pages are shown 1) in the alphabetical order, 2) forms / reports / sheets are grouped. Not the first added page comes first. As the results sheets, forms, reports are mixed and it takes time to re-arrange it manually.
The conversation window should not be open by default very time you open a page
The conversation window in sheets / reports should not be open by default very time you open a page in a bookmark folder
Enhance Auto-Populate Feature for Drop-Down Lists
For long drop-down lists, it is nice to be able to start typing a value in a cell and use the auto-populate feature to reduce the options from which to select. Currently, the auto-populate feature only works if the user starts to enter the value exactly as it appears on the list. Instead, please enhance this feature such…
Allow admin to view and manage ownership of individual worksheets.
As an admin I need the ability to select individual or multiple worksheets for owner reassignment. Recently an individual left the company and is the owner of multiple worksheets, I do not have the ability to reassign specific worksheets to new owners. It's all or nothing currently. This is a negative to the tool for us.
Format report as a form; export to Word
I would like to be able to use SS as a repository for data that can then be output through a form and imported into a Word document as formatted text, using Word style assignments.
Filter Smartsheet notifications by Unread
Allow users to filter Smartsheet notifications by Unread. I came back from vacation and have lots of notifications. It is a pain scrolling past the new notifications to the older ones I want to review. Add "Show unread" option at the location of the yellow highlight. Neil
Dynamic Views - Shared Users input box
In dynamic views, I would like to paste a few email addresses into the "Shared Users" box. The box currently accepts emails one at a time requiring the user to press enter between each. Please change this box so it accepts multiple emails perhaps using some sort of delimiter between. And yes I am aware of the groups…
Update Project Status Automatically from Gantt Chart
I am currently using Smartsheet to create a Gantt chart for each project as well as a table to keep track of project status'. I would really like to have the Gantt chart automatically update the project status so I don't have to do everything twice.