Missing ctrl + arrow navigation inside cells
Hi, Could you extend the editing of cells to use the regular keys ctrl + arrow and ctrl + shift + arrow. Without this my flow is disrupted. :|
Card View, Default Expand All, Currently Only Manual Expand
Card View currently requires manually clicking the down arrow/carrot to expand all the children. When you have a checkbox this is inconvenient as everytime you come back to the card view you have to expand again.
WorkApp and Sheet Visibility for non-Owner/Admin
I would like the ability to prevent having a WorkApp or a sheet that I created from showing on other peoples folders and home screens when they are given permission to view. All of my WorkApps are to be accessed through a link on a 'master' dashboard. The main idea behind this is so I can have groups of people that will…
Column Formulas in a Form
It would be great if you were able to use a column formula column in a form. For example, I have an IF statement that defaults a cell value to "N/A" if a condition is met in the previous column. That column is used in document mapping to show the end viewer of the PDF that the cell was not applicable.
Resource Management - Ability to add columns to the Projects Overview Page
I do not want to be limited to seeing Project name, Client Name, Project Type, Starts At, Ends At and Project Owner. I want to see a Column for each of the Resources (Names of those people) in my Project Portfolio view.
Editing a Scheduled Report as Attachement
I know we're able to edit the reoccurring schedule, but can an option be added to simply edit the recipients of an already created scheduled send? I have some reports scheduled to send recurringly where I have 20+ recipients and then 1 person will leave or I need to add 1 person. I only have the option to edit the schedule…
Hyperlink manual trigger data shuttle workflow
As of now the data shuttle workflow can only manual trigger in the data shuttle page by clicking on "Run". My idea is to allow user to trigger running a workflow by hyperlink/webhook. So user can add the link in their dashboard as a function of Button. To manual trigger the data shuttle workflow when they are reviewing the…
Open links from a report in another tab
Great if we can open links from reports or dashboard that have not been populated using URL, into new tabs. Thank you
Lock Column Location, Not Column Contents
In order to effectively use VLOOKUPS it would be incredibly helpful to be able to lock the column location from being adjusted, while not locking people from editing the Smartsheet we are collaborating on.
Permission set sorting
Hi Smartsheet, I'm no longer able to sort the current permissions in my sheets. I need to identify the admins and send them an email, but now I'm forced to sift through the entire listing of shared users to identify which users are admins. Please provide sorting in the user permissions!