easier references to other sheets
Hi all, I prefer to use references of the form {sheet_name Range 1} rather than using the "link from cell in other sheet..." because the formula can be copied to another cell where trying to copy the direct-linked cell only copies the value, not the link. If I have a lot of cells all linked to a particular cell in another…
Remove formulas in data shuttle
Data shuttle does not allow formulas to be turned off so when I upload an excel file in data shuttle, my numbers are being rounded.
Print Preview from Desktop
Currently I can't see a print preview when I'm on the desktop version, I have to open a web window to see it, and the quality of the PDF from the Desktop isn't as good. Is there a resolution in progress for this?
Row-level reminders on the mobile app
Hi SmartSheet Product team, in my line of work I'm in the field a lot and use mobile SmartSheet app on a daily basis. What I really miss is for me to be able to create row-level reminders or reminder automation and manage them on the mobile app not just web map. Is this something already in the making or at least being…
More detailed reports in Resource Management on resource assignments
I would like to be able to create a report in RM where it will include each resource name listed out, what projects they are on, what their time on that project is, and how long they are working on that project. I would also like an option to choose a time period (for example, the week of May 15) and see each resource,…
Switching/Resetting/Retrofitting to Default Bill Rates in Resource Manager
We've discovered a legacy rogue bill rate, applied during our initial Project upload some months ago. This rate has affected a number of users and reset their rate card to $1. This cannot be reversed or amended at a system level. It has to be manually deleted at a project level. Then a new bill rate applied to the…
Rendering Milestone on dashboard
Creating dashboards and image widgets. There is a problem with the widget pulling from the source file. An example is a dashboard displaying milestones for a project. Milestones are seen as flat parent relationships The project plan has a typical parent-child structure, but the widget does not render correctly when linked…
Let folders be folders!
Let at least JPEG/PDF files be uploaded to a folder without a sheet. It is assanin to have to create a sheet to add an attachment that you have to REDOWNLOAD in order to use/export. Why not just allow a folder to have a normal folder use and upload images if I can't even export the attachments off the sheet without having…
Querystring for autofill Enhancement
Currently we can use querystring parameters to autofill form values (e.g. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/18f38f1ef40223457f7afe19cc0beba5d15?Field1=Value1%Field2=Value2) , which is an extremely useful feature. However, for authenticated forms, the querystring values are dropped during the authentication process if the…
JIRA connector to support custom hierarchies
The JIRA Connector does not currently support custom hierarchies above epic level that are created using Portfolio or Advanced Roadmaps Jira add-ons (such as Initiative, Program and Feature Porfolio fields). In order to sync data from the Issue Class -field, I want to create separate workflows for each JIRA Project type.