This may have been brought up, but I couldn't find it. Excel has stacked line graphs, and it would be really nice to have those as an option in the dashboard graphs
It would be convenient if Smartsheet Admin had the ability to hide the list of collaborators when sharing a smartsheet item with a non-admin user. For example if a company has a dashboard and sheets marketing a particular project they are aiming to sell and they wish to share this information with a prospective buyer as a…
when using 2 languages with different text alignment in the same row, the text gets messed up. it will be great to have an option to select an alignment to be applied for the content, regardless the default alignment for the language inserted. Here is an example of the problem:
Hello all, The title basicly says it all. Would love to be able to toggle between amounts and percentages in a published dash, just as in the edit-mode of a dash (last screenshot). Didn't actually know it was there -toggle between amount and % that is- made the formula in sheetsummary manually for every category, turns out…
It would help to differentiate the folders (particularly in Workspaces) if we could choose colours of the folders.
I would like to re-direct automations and notifications and possibly even Ownership of tasks to an appointed secondary person in the event that the owner is on vacation or otherwise unavailable. It would be a simple toggle on/off with a pre-determined secondary who everything would be switched to. Or it could be another…
Create method to auto sort a filtered sheet. If date is selected for sorting and Status field is filtered to Open. Current method is to turn filter off, select date field, select sort, select OK, change filter back to Open. I would like an automatic sort/workflow to accomplish this.
My company is a Microsoft shop, and while we've had success getting the "working" level of our workforce to utilize Smartsheet, our executive suite still relies heavily on Powerpoint for updates. We need an easy and even automated way to export dashboards to Powerpoint.
It's very important at the beginning of a project to put together a plan speculatively, to identify additional team members we might want to hire/contract work to. I don't seem to be able to do this - typically I write a placeholder for the new hire (e.g. 'PCB engineer 1'), and it would be great to see the resource…
I suggest creating a network diagram view to visually see critical chain tasks.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
With a wider canvas now available for dashboards, it would be nice to be able to control the size of the grid (i.e. 10 x 10, 20 x 20, etc.) to accommodate precision when placing widgets.
With all the buzz about a wider canvas now being available for dashboards, wouldn't it be cool if we could have a similar canvas for designing forms? This could eliminate the amount of white space and linear formatting by allowing us to place our form fields and sections anywhere on the canvas vs. just top to bottom,…
I would like to be able to put a clickable URL in a form to direct users to a web page from the Help Text on a question on my form. Please consider adding the functionality to be able to add clickable links/URLs. Thanks!