proof comment resolution checkbox
Designers would like to check off comments as they are completed during the proofing process, then be able to filter by status to clean up the thread.
Resource Management: Regional Public Holidays
Official Public Holidays in Resource Management are not helpful when team members work across different states or countries. The ability to define Public Holidays based on team member location (automatically would be best) is needed. The Location of each team member is defined in their profile. Use this to update the…
Cutover/Deployment Plan & Ghant
Love the Project Plan in Smartasheet and this is how I came to use smartsheet all those many years ago. However, when it comes to the cutover planning where it is critical to track tasks down to the minute/hour it is extremely cumbersome to add text based time values, duration in minutes/hours/days and related conversions…
Data Shuttle Folders
Currently all Data Shuttles appear in one list, you can view Offloads and Uploads separately. Finding a Data Shuttle you want to Run, view and update can be very time consuming if you have a lot of Data Shuttle workflows. Being able to put them into separate folders would be beneficial, this would also be of benefit in…
"Send user to link" in form submission to open in a new tab/window
Hi Community, I'd like to suggest a feature or ask, "Is it possible to have the links that are attached in "Send user to link" in form submission to open in a new tab/window when the user submits a response?" Currently the links open in the same window.
Remove or Increase Cross Sheet Reference Limitations
Please consider removing or increasing cross-sheet reference limitations. I recently built a solution that would require me to manage 3-4 sheets each month for monthly audit results tracking from Joint Commission. I spent weeks building and testing and at the end had to add more questions (total of about 125 to the form.…
Bulk Delete/Deactivate Users
Add the ability to delete or deactivate many users at the same time. Currently this has to be done one by one so this feature would save a lot of time.
SharePoint document link as an option under Attachments
It would be great if as well as all the Dropbox, Google Drive, oneDrive and other file attachment options, we could also have a direct 'Link' option for SharePoint document libraries, document sets/folders. Leading practice for document management suggests not to store documents in proprietary databases (such as Smartsheet…
Easily Navigate to Dashboard Widget Data Source
I often have to navigate to the data source of a dashboard widget to make updates, however there is not a direct link to the data source, and sometimes the naming of the source does not make it easy or clear to find. It would be very helpful if there was a button next to data source to "Open Data Source in a New Tab" or…
Template / Themes for Conditional Formatting
I would love to be able to be able to apply a conditional formatting template to any sheet I wished - much like a design theme in Office 365. And - if I change a rule, it would change it for all the sheets using that template. Can you imagine? How wonderful!