Collapse blueprints folders
Collapse blueprints/folders in Select Data Source window, when looking for sheets, reports and Dashboards
Sheet Reference Manager panel - drag to expand the window
Currently the Sheet Reference Manager panel is static. As a result I can not see the reference name in full. Due to cell reference limitation (100,000 cells), I sometimes have to remove references, but cannot see the full name so cannot see which ones to remove. Making the panel expandable, by dragging the bottom corner,…
Variables in Widget Titles
I would like the ability to dynamically be able to change verbiage in a widget title. Perhaps to say "as of mm/dd/yyyy" or include a sprint name. This would probably be done best by pointing to a cell value.
Include Sheet Summary fields in Row Reports
I've seen several queries about this, and workarounds but can't find a suggestion so here's one! I have multiple sheets with the same name (in different workspaces). I want to use a Row Report but separate out / summarise the entries per sheet. The only field I can use is "sheet name" which is the same for all, but what I…
MAXIF, MINIF, AVGIF Formula Capability
It would help to have the IFS functionality and combined statistical functionality MAXIF, MINIF, AVGIF, MAXIFS, MINIFS, AVGIFS similar to the current SUMIF and COUNTIF. IFS can shorten multiple nested IF statements and easier to formulate, read and understand when referencing multiple conditions. The combined statistical…
Auto-update formulas when pasted into new column
Similar to excel.. it would be great to have variable cell references so that formulas could be copied to a new column. Currently, we have to manually click into the formula to make adjustments so that reference cells are updated. e.g., if I have a formula in column 3 that points to column 2, but need to copy the formula…
Card View - Title from child row only
Hello, it'd be great if there was a way to tweak the cards to only show the title from the child row?. As it is now, the card shows both the title of the child row and its immediate parent row. Referring to the screenshot below, I would like to remove where it says "2023 prep"
Add New Template Sheets to Existing Project Workspaces In Bulk Via Control Center
Currently you need to manually add a new "optional" template to each project one by one. This is incredibly time consuming. We need a global update option to add a new template sheet to all existing projects automatically.
Bulk Remove Items in Sheets Folder
In the Sheets folder that stores all owned items, as well as items shared to you, there is not a good way to bulk remove these items. There is a Select All checkbox, but once clicked, the Actions button is greyed out. This causes users to have to manually go in and remove each individual item, which can be incredibly labor…
Trigger Data Shuttle to run with the API
Can't schedule a data shuttle monthly, so maybe if we could trigger a workflow run via the API that would solve that problem.