Progress Bar on Smartsheet Forms
I would love to be able to add a progress bar on a Smartsheet Form, so that as a user completes fields, they can see how close they are to completing it. Generally speaking I find Smartsheet Forms to be much more functional than Google Forms, but this is one feature that Google Forms have but Smartsheet is missing! Thank…
Form Pages
as a user i want to divide forms in pages so that when the form is long i can focus better restarting fresh from the top rather then continuosly scroll vertically , Pages are also useful to divide the form depending of the argument Using multiple forms is not a good workaround cause the user can decide to complete only the…
Proofing: Check box to included same people from version 1
Once an invite list of people is built for the 1st proof—I'd love it if there was a checkbox on the "Invite reviewers" dialog box screen for 2nd proof and on to include a check box to include the same people from version 1. It is a real pain to have to rebuild the "to" list when it's already existing. If it populated it…
Conditional formatting for rows with an attachment
As the attachment (paperclip) column is on the far left of the sheet and can't be repositioned, it's not always clear when an attachment has already been added to a row (as I often don't scroll far left to check, especially in sheets with multiple columns). Is there an easy way to use conditional formatting to identify and…
Control Center: New Admin Permissions levels
When using Control Center, there needs to be two distinct Admin permissions levels: A Control Center Admin level with its current permissions (that potentially could affect/break Control Center functionality) but also distinguishes control center locks and configurations from sheet-level locks and configurations. A lower…
Print Preview from Desktop
Currently I can't see a print preview when I'm on the desktop version, I have to open a web window to see it, and the quality of the PDF from the Desktop isn't as good. Is there a resolution in progress for this?
@Mention Delivery: Attachment Delivered Too
I Would Like to See Attachments Delivered to Email with Verbiage When I @mention Someone
Attachment URLs to open in Browser Tab.
Clicking a URL link in a cell opens the link in a new tab on the browser - GOOD. When you click a URL link as an attachment it opens a new window in the browser with no toolbar or menu - BAD. This happens for any browser and is not a browser setting. Request: Please make attachment URLs open as a tab in the browser NOT a…
"Select All" Checkbox Option on Report
It would be far more efficient to have a "Select All" / "Deselect All" checkbox when going to choose which columns to display on a report. This is standard in Excel
Multi Select Drop Down menu Formatting display
When you have a column in Smartsheet which is a Multi-Select drop down menu, and you want to have a row to use as a TITLE (plain text) in that same column, we can't format it to look like text since it sits in the same column and is formatted in that grey bubble format. Can we have an enhancement request to change the…