User access to Forms from Home Page
For all forms shared to or by someone else, it would be nice to have them shortcutted or listed on a GUI, like a section of the Home page, etc. When using forms, we need to provide the shortcut links on a desktop or within a file folder but accessing directly from within the Smartsheet app is desirable.
Admin Authorise change
Hi all, would it be possible to add in a feature so i can select a column which allows people with editor permission to change. However before that change is locked in, an admin has to check and approve the change. One of the main reasons we use smart sheets is the ability to lock columns and rows which is fantastic.…
We need a search option in the dashboard to pull out rows matching keywords provided by the user.
Example: We used dynamic view to create a web content widget in Dashboard. We are able to use Filter option to bring out status of rows but it would be very helpful if "Search" option is present. Our expectation-- By entering a keyword in the dashboard widget it has to pull the rows of smartsheet table having the…
Report of attachments at Plan level
Allow System Admin to run a report of all attachments held in the Plan, with the sheet/report they are attached to and who the owner of the artefact is.
Calendar view
On application Calendar, we will like a view as a paper calendar (see file joint) with day, week, weekend, day off of country, scolar holidays, verticaly month, on one year. Because the actual view day-month there is the numbert day but not the name of the day, and the weekend, day off, and holidays are not visible. On…
Make the Update Request Blocking in a Workflow
It would be great if update requests blocked the workflow, or at least could, so that you don't need a separate approval request or second workflow that is (loosely) triggered by the update request.
API issue with Add Columns - documentation update
When using the Add Columns API endpoint, the documentation does not indicate that the hidden attribute is required. However, when using the API, I received "missing attribute" errors until I added "hidden":false to the column object. Please update the documentation to indicate that hidden is required. (or adjust the API to…
Make collapse symbol larger please!!!!
We use it on several sections of our smartsheet and we wish we could make this symbol larger or have a way of changing the size. A lot of our users say they find it hard to see and then we get missed updates from them not realizing they need to open a section. We would like not to have to put Open in a cell nearby just for…
Required Fields WITHOUT Using a Form
Can you please provide the ability to require certain fields WITHOUT needing to use a form? Putting a star in the field name doesn't seem to always cut it.
Card (Focus view for sprint interval)
"I believe a great built-in feature would be to introduce a settings option for the card view, allowing users to specify the number of weeks displayed. Currently, I manually adjust filters to focus on a 1-5 week view of our project team's tasks. This involves updating the filters weekly to reflect the desired time-frame.…