Hide field in Dynamic View Details Pane in not New
It should be possible to control if a field is hidden or not depending if the is a new row being added or an existing. I have fields that need to appear if this is a new row being added, but not if this is an existing row.
Folders within a workspace should sync just like the workspace itself when creating a report.
I recently discovered that a folder within a workspace (which has the look and feel of a folder) does not function in the same way as the workspace itself. When creating a report I may want to focus on a subset of items in a folder and ensure that it syncs anything within that folder. In my case, my workspace contains…
Summary Sheet Modified Time
I use summary sheets to capture high level project status information. I understand i can use the [Modified] formula to capture when any of the individual smart sheet rows were last modified. I would like a formula that captures when the summary sheet fields where last updated.
Allow Simple Markdown formatting in Summary fields
Hello - I would like the capability to add basic formatting markup to the sheet summary fields. for example, if have a field called "Project Status" I would like to be able to add bold to some of the text. For example : Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide Would not need all of the markdown options but some basic bullets, bold,…
Mobile numbers not aligned accurately to Country
Hi Multiple issues with the form, added a spot for mobile number and country code, having issues with Australia, Germany, UAE, Columbia (not pre-loaded) et al. sent two emails about the situation. Makes it complex to send out a form to 500+ from around the globe, with inaccurate compilation of important data.
Smartsheet update for users to manipulate Symbol meanings
Hello, I was wondering if Smartsheet could make an update so users can manipulate the Symbol meanings? For example, in the image attached (left side of it), I am not allowed to update the yellow symbol's word “Hold” to be “Issue” or “TBD”. It will always and only be “Hold” as this is what Smartsheet listed the symbol to…
Auto float based on start dates
It is still setup that the only way you can set future start dates is to manually enter float relative to preceding tasks. This creates a lot of problems where if an earlier task runs late or starts date, and you adjust the start date or finish date, it then moves the start date that may be occurring weeks or months later.…
Create a renewal template that supports multiple groups
I was unable to find a template to manage/track renewals for badges, calibration scheduling, training recurrency, licenses, etc. in the solution center. It would be beneficial to have a template that has the formuals customized to send notifications and display summary of upcoming tasks based on a renewal/expiration date.…
Form logic process: view all options in the "then" field
in the "when...then" logic flow, ability to view all options in the "then" field (if it's a drop down or multiple choice), even it there is no intention for additional columns or fields.
Summary of "Time Spent" working on sheets
I'd like to see a summary of the time (HH:MM) individuals work in a sheet for any span of time I choose. So for example: I select a start date, I select an end date, I select 1 or multiple or All employees, I select view. The view would have each person with each sheet/report they have worked in and how much time was spent…