Pass Row #s in body of API 'Delete Row' call
It would be GREAT if you updated your API to allow us to pass Row #s to delete in the body of the API call rather than in the URL. Because of the length limitation of a URL, I can only delete around 300 rows at a time via the API. However, if I could pass all 20,000 rows in the body of the call, I could easily clear the…
Automate duration values based on a particular selection made in a form
I'd like to automate timings put into the duration column (shorter than days, e.g. 3 hours, etc.) based on selections made in a form submission to a sheet. Alternatively, setting up an automated workflow in the sheet that will automate timings in the duration column. again based on a particular selection being made.
Allow Ownership Transfer for Jira Connector for Smartsheet
If a licensed user has set up a flow between a Jira Project and a Smartsheet sheet and they give notice or leave unexpectedly, there is no way to transfer ownership of the flow over to another licensed user. There is also no way to proactively transfer ownership over to another licensed user. The workaround from the…
Ability to update Smartsheet Templates with Non-Working Days to support year-over-year changes
Smartsheet grants Admins the ability to update global settings such as Non-working days however, this setting only applies to new sheets so, if your organization heavily depends on Templates, the settings for non-working days does not apply. Our organization has over 50 reusable templates and some dating back to 2019…
Backing up workspaces within a workspace
It would be great if there was a "one click" way to request a backup of all of the workspaces within my Workspace folder. This would be much more efficient than having to request a backup for each subordinate workspace individually.
Fix PDF print function with Latin Extended letters
After a helpless few months of knocking on Smartsheet support doors, our company finally got the answer, to why our texts randomly change from set conditions in PDF forms (font, font size, font weight), to a different text. As it seems, if the text in a cell has any Latin Extended letters (ą, č, ę, ė, į, š, ų....), it will…
Interactive Maps
Hello, It would be awesome to have a USA map where you could link reports to specific states. Thank you, Suzanne
Table of Content in Dashboard
It would be great if one could auto-generate a Table of Content (new Widget) in a Dashboard by indicating which widgets should be part of the Table of Content and then Links would be generated either at the top or the bottom of the page (selectable) that would link to the different sections of the same Dashboard.
Formula that Calculates Week Range and Labels Week Number Accordingly
When integrating our billing week system that alternates between billing weeks 1 and 2. Smartsheet should have a formula that allows for the duration to have a range based on weekdays that triggers to automatically label every other week with either week 1 or 2 accordingly. ie. Week Start Date End Date Name Total Hours 1…
Allow for more logic sequences in Forms
When creating inspection forms for our apartment unit types, there is specific logic we use for each unit type. It is most likely the same logic pattern throughout, but for now, Smartsheet only allows for 9 logic series. So only 9 unit types can have logic applied to them. All the other unit types cannot be added cause…