Totals and calculations in forms
allow users to add section to request amounts and total them something like: blue widgets needed - # red widgets needed - # green widgets needed - # Total widgets = # blue+# red+# green
Line Shading - every other row
Shade every other line on a sheet to identify easier which line you are working on, especially when your sheets are wide. 😉
Card View for Reports in Smartsheet Gov
Hoping this is easy- Card View for Reports seems to already be available in Smartsheet. I'm working with Smartsheet Gov and it is not yet available. Please add to smartsheet gov.
Add Column Description to Update Request
Include the column description when an update request goes out to provide some context to the column if it has a generic name.
Auto assign tasks based on role
In my project template we just put a role name in the "assign" column. Then once we start an actual project I'd like to assign people based on their role. Is there a way to designate that all rows assigned as "Designer 1" should now be "Jane Doe" without having to do this manually? Also is there a way to assign people…
Create API Calls for WorkApps
For example, I just manually updated 120 projects in a Portfolio WorkApps to give a leader access to all the projects. It would be amazing if there was a way to instead create an API call to do these types of tedious tasks through programming.
Using the Attachments, Comments, Proofs and Row Indicators Columns in Formulas.
Hi It would be really awesome if we could use the "Attachments, Comments, Proofs and Row Indicators Columns" in Formulas. Just as a reference point. "Like Helper Columns" Example, if there is a update request pending, I could then reference that column to do XYZ if there is or is no attachment. same with the rest of those…
Share sheets as hidden
When sharing a report that needs to be edited i also need to share the sheet onto the person editing. For some of my sheets this can cause GDPR concerns as i don't have sheets per company only sheets per process. (It would kill all efficiency to have to create a sheet per company for each process). If i could share the…
@ people within WorkApps commenting
For some reason it is not possible to @ someone in commenting and have a list of Smartsheet users populate to @ while in WorkApps. This is very surprising that this is not a current feature in WorkApps? This is widely used functionality in Smartsheet, why not in WorkApps?
Customer Curator Program
Twice a year, send each Curator* a sheet containing a batch of 10 ideas and ask them to rank the ideas using drag/drop. [What follows is a broad sketch of the program, with zillions of details still to be worked out. The ultimate intent, though, is that a) ideas—sometimes really good ones—would not get buried in the mass…