Better SSO logins with smartsheet & resource management
Why is there a separate AAD SSO spec & configuration required for smartsheet project mgmt & resource mgmt? It sucks from a user perspective that we have to login to both products separately. It also sucks that the way SSO is implemented differently in both products. Raising this idea here on the advice of our account…
Include Headers in Automated Task Alert
The message customization options in workflow automated task alerts do not currently include the header rows a task falls under. When a user receives the task notification, it can be difficult for them to quickly see what the task refers to without the context provided by the header row it falls under so they must click…
Allow attachments to come over in email when @mention
hello, would love to see and allow attachments to come over in email when @mention someone in comment with attachments.
Multi Step Form Usage
I have established workflows that requires input from a large number of sources (over 150 people who don't need access to the base sheet) in two or three steps. For security reasons, I want the secondary data to come in through Forms and not by Update Request (which requires that I set the security permissions up to allow…
Easy access to navigation/location info
I'd like to propose that the object path be available right under the name of the object (top-middle). For example if I have a sheet that is in multiple sub folders, I know I can access its location by clicking on File > Properties. Then I can click on the hyperlinks for workspaces/folders. BUT to reduce the amount of…
Autocorrect in Conversations
Hello I am not a great typer. I misspell words often. Anyway, when I try to autocorrect in Smartsheet conversations, it usually pastes the conversation with the words in front of the spelling error. This is a pain in the #$& as I have to delete the extra words now in the conversation. It would be really great if Smartsheet…
Resourcemanagement Time tracking Week Number
We have received the request from the engineers to add the week number to the date on the time tracking sheet. This is convenient as the overall time tracking report also shows resources by week number.
"Smarter" UI UX related to Pivot System Limitations
Idea: either enhance Pivot App ability to take a user's dropdown list items and add any/all "calculation" & "concatenation" characters (where Smartsheet adds text/characters to the user's values indicating what value it is calculating and the calculation used) to column headers, or enhance messaging to the user which…
Apple iOS App - View attachments in Calendar view as an Owner/Admin/Editor
This request is Apple mobile app specific and calendar view specific. It may also apply to Android, though I'm not sure. As a sheet Owner, Admin, or Editor, I would like to be able to view attachments for a specific row when you click on that row while in calendar view. Currently when you click on it, it immediately opens…
Resource Management: Delineation of Project Time and Expense Approvals
When two project managers/admins share a resource, when that resource submits their timesheet, either of the project managers have the ability to approve the entire timesheet for that resource. Well.. what if one of the project managers does not agree with regards to time spent on his/her project? Then they absolutely have…