iOS app lacks basic features…
Please add the ability to change font, font size, text color, cell background color to the iOS app
Select and Move Multiple Cards at Once
It would be helpful to be able to select and move multiple cards at once in Card View (using Shift + click and Ctrl + click).
SharePoint Permissions and Smartsheet Dashboard permissions
It would be great if there could be a way that a SharePoint permissions groups automatically translates to a Dashboard's sharing permissions list or even a Smartsheet Group outside of using an API (which I haven't even attempted yet). Basically, we want to share a dashboard on a SharePoint. This SharePoint is locked down…
Disable the attachments panel from popping up every time I drag/drop an attachment to a row
I would love it if I could disable the attachments panel from popping up every time I drag/drop an attachment to a row. It is very distracting to have this pop up. Thank you in advance!
Customization of toolbar buttons
Ability to add buttons to the toolbar and have them do macros or some functions that are already in SmartSheet. Like a function when you left click on column 3 dots, you will be able to assign a function from that list to your new toolbar button.
Variables in Widget Titles
I would like the ability to dynamically be able to change verbiage in a widget title. Perhaps to say "as of mm/dd/yyyy" or include a sprint name. This would probably be done best by pointing to a cell value.
Card View - Title from child row only
Hello, it'd be great if there was a way to tweak the cards to only show the title from the child row?. As it is now, the card shows both the title of the child row and its immediate parent row. Referring to the screenshot below, I would like to remove where it says "2023 prep"
Customize email sent to users who have access to WorkApp via a Control Center Program
We've setup both of our blueprints tied to this program to provision access to WorkApp based on roles (the roles pull names from columns identified in the source/intake sheet) When we provision a new project in Control Center, users receive an email with the subject line of 'You've been assigned to new projects in the EPMO…
Safe Sharing Error Window:
When a user tries to share a sheet to a domain which is not in the safe sharing list there is an error window with an embedded link. The link is set up on the safe sharing admin page, and I use it to send the user to a request form to have the domain added. However, when a user tries to set up a workflow using an email not…
Automatic update of a filter
You can also refer to the case number 06010231: I have a list of projects, that need to be reviewed in a meeting, which is hold only on Mondays. Different projects are filtered from the list (depending on the date, for which they are scheduled) and build the agenda for the upcoming meeting. Automatic update of the filter…