It would be great to be able to use the chart widget with data held at Sheet Summary level. Appreciate that there are 2 ways around this : Create a report and chart against that Add "helper columns" to the sheet itself However, I'd prefer to reduce the number of new reports I'm creating, and keep sheet complexity lower…
Please enable Smartsheet’s approved domain and add SharePoint to embed content for WorkApps.
We have a number of projects running in Resource Management. We use projects to schedule not just billable project work, but a lot of internal projects tasks too (such as training, non-travel time, PTO/vacation). Currently it's only possible to differentiate projects by choosing project type, which gives you three options.…
ISO 8601 is an international data standard and a part of two national standards in the United States. "The standard provides a well-defined, unambiguous method of representing calendar dates and times in worldwide communications, especially to avoid misinterpreting numeric dates and times when such data is transferred…
I would like the ability to have the option to add all Smartsheet users in the same plan as dropdown options in a contact column. For enterprise plans using AD, this would create an active staff dropdown column. This would solve many issues and workarounds for HR, IT, and PM functions.
Please consider developing the ability to apply conditional formatting to top level (parent) rows. It looks weird when everything below the parent is in color, but the parent is grayed out. Thanks!
If a licensed user has set up a flow between a Jira Project and a Smartsheet sheet and they give notice or leave unexpectedly, there is no way to transfer ownership of the flow over to another licensed user. There is also no way to proactively transfer ownership over to another licensed user. The workaround from the…
It would be nice to be able to hyperlink from one cell in a sheet to another cell in the same sheet and back again.
If the dropdown list is introduced to Smartsheet dashboard to select to desired projects to show in a dashboard will save the time for creating dashboard for multiple projects. So one dashboard can be used for Multiple projects by simply selecting desired projects using Dropdown list option.
As suggested in Attachment File Name Inserted in a Cell — Smartsheet Community it would be useful to have the ability to create an # Auto Column that simply displays the name of the attachments included in the rows. We sometimes have to provide reports to Clients that include this information - manually inputting this…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
I would like to be able to put a clickable URL in a form to direct users to a web page from the Help Text on a question on my form. Please consider adding the functionality to be able to add clickable links/URLs. Thanks!
I’m in a strategy meeting and it was discussed that maybe we could let employees vote on new community facing employee T-shirt design ideas. We would love to be able to do this on Smartsheet forms, but there is no way to upload images and vote on them. Please consider this as an enhancement request. Thank you!
I schedule classes and rooms, so it's hard to do this when i cannot put a class on the calendar from 0800AM to 10:30AM, or reserve a room from 8-12 so that i can use the last half of the day for something else. As it stands now, i can enter a date so it shows it as the whole day so i have to create an extra column showing…