Add business days to automation
I have rules that remind a number of people of an upcoming end date. I want to do it two WEEKDAYS/BUSINESS DAYS in advance of the due date. The best work around I've found, is adding a "day of the week" formula field, and then making separate rules for end dates that fall on a Monday or Tuesday. Since the trigger cant be…
Conditional Formatting - Format based on comparison between cells not a Helper Cell
If I want to apply a conditional format to Column B on the proviso that Column B is greater than Column A, I must use a Helper Cell to determine if this is True or not. Like Microsoft Excel does; by including the ability to specify a formula to ascertain whether a Format should be applied would be a lot cleaner than having…
Friendly URL option for forms
Hello. Often tools will offer a friendly URL option. We are using Smartsheet's form feature and sometimes need to share the URL in print. This doesn't work so well with the URLs in their current state. Could we please have a friendly URL option? Many URL-generating tools offer this. Thank you for your consideration.
Make Report Source Sheet Selector Wider
Please make the section where source sheets are located a little bit wider. I have 19 source sheets and it's very hard to see them.
Total Float Function: work with multiple predecessors
Enable Total Float to work with multiple predecessors. Currently, Total Float will only calculate correctly when there is a single predecessor for an activity.
Mouse-over / Alt-text to Dashboard Widgets
We'd love a way to add "mouse over" alt-text to dashboard widgets to accommodate individuals with color vision deficiency or provide additional context.
Row Link Column
Inside Row Properties, with the API, and with Bridge, you can extract the row specific URL. It would be very helpful if that was just a system column like created or modified.
Use the End date and dependencies to drive the project timings
When a project and tasks are set up with dependencies and durations, the project manager should be able to drive all task dates based on the project end date, not just the start date. Often mid project the delivery date needs to be changed. With Smartsheet, a project manager needs to adjust the duration of all tasks…
Use Data Mesh to Move Attachments/Comments Between Sheets
It would be fantastic if we could move comments from one sheet another, but ESPECIALLY helpful would be the ability to use Data Mesh to move/merge attachments.
Zoom In
Please add a Zoom In feature! Excel (and the rest of Microsoft Office) has a bar at the bottom where you can zoom in or out. I am often sharing my screen on virtual calls to show people Smartsheets. If I am using a large monitor and they are using a small laptop screen, the image is condensed and the text is hard to read.…