Hours and Minutes as timeline feature in Gantt View
I need to map out a daily production schedule in Gantt format, but need the timeline to show hours and minutes instead of days/weeks/months.
Baseline only select rows with in a project plan/gantt
It would be very helpful to re-baseline only highlighted parts of a gantt so you don't overwrite values which are not to be reset.
Control Center Blueprint - Save Mid-Build and/or Resume Mid-Build
It would be really great if we could save a blueprint mid-build without having to click all the way through to the end or at least jump to a specific section using the list on the right side of the screen. There was recently a build where we realized we needed to adjust a few things on our Intake and Metrics sheets while…
Create “scroll to top” button/widget in dashboards
It would be great to have a “scroll to top” floating button that allows viewers of dashboards to return to the top of long pages.
Auto-Archive In Control Center
I think an auto-archive feature in Control Center would be great. It is currently still a manual process where a program lead has to go into Control Center and run the archiving automation. What would be ideal is if we could set it up so that (for example) once the Status on the Summary Sheet is changed to "Ready For…
new GRANDPARENT() function
I would greatly appreciate a Grandparent function, especially since PARENT(PARENT()) throws an error. I know we have ANCESTORS(), but that gives you the number of ancestors and I need the specific ancestor value. Ideally, the GRANDPARENT() function would be GRANDPARENT( [reference], [# of generations back] ), that way it…
Display all text in the Conversations panel without having to click "More"
I use Conversations heavily to offload all of my older status updates entered in the Notes column to keep the main sheet view concise, so I'm constantly appending new text to the Conversations window for individual rows. Awhile back, the UI changed to shrink the visible entries to just a few lines so that you have to click…
Add Viewer Mode Settings to Reports
The Report widget on Dashboards has a Viewer Mode, which dictates what data viewers of the Dashboard can see - only data from sheets they have permission to view, or data from sheets that the last widget editor has permission to view. Adding the Viewer Mode with the same options to Reports would be incredibly helpful. As…
Update the programming of the access request notifications so it records user who granted the access
Hello! My idea is to update the programming of the access request notifications so that it records the user who actually granted the access rather than always defaulting to the Owner. Back in March-ish of 2024, smartsheet made an update to where access request notifications are sent to all admin of a sheet, workspace,…
Cell History to log automation workflow source from DataShuttle and DataMesh
It would be awesome if the cell history showed what workflow updated a cell. Currently it just shows my name and I’m trying to troubleshoot to find out which workflow it was but I have a ton of Datashuttle and datamesh happening and can’t seem to locate workflow source… ☹ Everytime I update the cell, some workflow deletes…