Send an email update to a row without direct email integration
Many project management and CRM tools I've used provide an email address for each project in order to use it to forward an email update directly to the row (or use the CC with this email so the email record goes directly into the row comments/conversation). Smartsheets should offer the ability to view the address (for…
Word Download from Document Builder
Hello Smartsheet Team, A suggestion for functionality to external users of SS! In the Document Builder, 'Generate Documents' process, it would be helpful to allow for downloads other than the pdf out, such as MS Word docx. Providing my team with the ability to download a document, after it has been set up with fillable…
Test User Permissions
Hello, I am a system admin and would love a way to log in as one of the licensed users on my plan to be able to check their permissions and see what they see, in order to better instruct them and help them navigate Smartsheet.
Web forms ADA accesible for blind or hard of seeing
Hi I would like smartsheet to make web forms ADA accesible for people who are blind or hard of seeing and any other visual or auditory disabilities. make them compatible with JAWS program
Customizable Permissions
Often times I find that I need to give further permissions to users, but don't want to give them unfettered access to sheets. Often times my Project Managers need to add an additional item to a drop-down menu, add an additional column to track a specific need, reorder columns to fit their needs, or adjust lanes in card…
Grouping in reports should stay in place when emailing a report
When making a report and organizing data by groups within the report, these groups should stay in place when sharing the report via email. I tried making a report for HR on employees' attendance and scheduling it at the beginning of the month for the previous month. Was then surprised when the email came in with a raw…
Task Reminder: set time
I love the reminder function within the sheets, however - it would be great if for each reminder you could set a custom time for that reminder. not just a custom date!
Expose Dashboard Widget APIs
It would be valuable to be able to create and modify dashboard widgets via the API. Currently the only way to bulk update content is via control center, and that still creates copies of the dashboard from the template set. With API access users could point to specific formatting options, as well as leverage information…
Data Shuttle - Multiple Target locations
After spending a significant amount of time in Data Shuttle the last few months, it would be a great enhancement to be able to export/import files to multiple target locations. For example, I have a few sheets that 'refresh' customer data (ie. looking for new Customers, SKU etc..) weekly to add-on to the existing reports…
Workapps - Provide Notification, Alert, Reminder Indicator
Currently, when my users are in Workapps, they can't see, from the Workapp interface, if there notifications for them, and therefore can't respond to the notifications. They must leave the Workapps interface, and go to their standard non-workapp view of the sheet, dashboard, or report to see the bell icon and see and…