Allow copy of a direct link to a specific attachment in a row
I would like to suggest an enhancement to copy and send a direct link to a specific file Attachment to a row, when there are multiple files attached to the same row.
New Font Options
Currently we only have 4 font options. It would be great to have other font options for example, Aptos, Roboto and others and have the ability to have a default font for the organisation and if possible for the workspace. This then makes the visual of the sheet a bit nicer, for example when writing this post, it has a font…
Smartsheet Gantt Chart
I’d like to suggest enhancing the Gantt chart to support more complex project schedules, similar to Microsoft Project Professional or Primavera P6. Currently, Smartsheet’s Gantt chart works well for simple schedules but is not suited for managing complex construction projects. Improving this feature would make Smartsheet a…
Dashboard Sheet name Hyperlink proposal
I have a dashboard with a summary report that shows all my records within my Smartsheet, within the report i have the sheet name column which acts as a hyperlink and takes the user to the associated sheet where the record is located. The problem is the link takes the user to the page but leave the user having to go and…
Exporting Images from Smartsheet into Excel Exports
Hello: Why can't smartsheet export any image columns into an Excel Export? This seems straightforward and would be super helpful. Can anyone answer what this is not possible? Thank you.
Create a date column that can tell me the date that cells in another column last changed
I need to be able to create a date column that can tell me the date that cells in another column last changed. Could be a column type or a formula I don't have any way of ageing a data set at scale. I can look at individual cell history, but I need to date all cells in a column and sort or filter by age.
Like excel, to calcutlate the workdays of countris follwing different patterns of weekend, we need to enable the formula for networkdays.intl. In smartsheet we don't have that one as of now, and the dependency function is not helping that way, as the start date has alwasy to be in the past.
Toggle Show/Hide Sheet Formatting on Reports within Conditional Sheet Formatting Modal
Wondering whether anyone else is running into this inconvenience. Issue: Often times, I have formatting on a sheet that I would rather not show on a report. There are a few workarounds but the added control would be handy. Idea: If there were a way to set a value/toggle within the conditional formatting modal when creating…
Clarify "sheet" or "report" source in General Tab of Dynamic View
I love how from a sheet or a report, I can trigger related Dynamic Views. When in a dynamic view, it would be great to have an indicator describing if the source is from a sheet or a report. See snapshot below. Thanks, Sara
Remove Resource Management Icon for all users when there is no subscription
Please allow us to hide icons, not applicable to our organization's subscription model, from users using the admin panel or automatically hide them for our company. Thanks! Isaac asked me to submit this feature request here: