Sort for Only You vs. Sort for All Viewers
It would be super helpful to allow users to sort a sheet without applying the sort to all individuals actively viewing the sheet. We have many shared sheets that are worked on in parallel, and when one person sorts it affects the other person's work.
Allow pasting of more than 500 rows
I keep running into this limit: Can this be increased? It's rather frustrating.
Attach/upload Document files to Dashboard
Having the ability to upload file attachments (specifically, Word and PDF) to a Dashboard would be extremely useful.
Dynamic View Folders
Would like to be able to group dynamic views in a folder for like departments or allow tagging on dynamic views for sorting and filtering
First day of week configurable in every representation
Hi, for those in countries where the first weekday is NOT SUNDAY, being able to configure the first day of the week for all settings (including calendar picks etc.) to be another day would be very 21 century ;-) So come on Smartsheet, start a new initiative to recognise the whole world ;-)
Card View in Dynamic View
Can you please introduce card view as an visualization option in Dynamic view? Our users really like card view for quickly organizing data visually, however, we're unable to present this view in dynamic view, which is how we're trying to give secure access to the data instead of giving them view only access to the sheet.
Notification and capability to create report for all broken links (Cell Link References)
When links are broken on sheets, we want to be notified and to be able to create report on all sheets in Workspace, so we can fix all broken cell links ASAP. Each team has different schedule sheets and we use cell link from one schedule to another and we depend on the dates on the schedule. Currently there is no…
Export Group User List
It would be great to be able to export a Group User List in the admin portal to a .csv This would be to share with others without giving them access and also easier review a large list using filters or other excel tools
Third option for Approval Workflows
I was wondering if there was any progress made toward enabling more than just two approval options? I would also like to include "Approve, Reject, Modify". And while the update requests work, I feel like these workarounds are unnecessary and tedious. If we could at least require certain fields be required to be answered in…
Jira and Salesforce Connectors - Include Attachments
My company uses the Jira Connector to initiate the automatic creation of Jira issues from Smartsheet. The Smartsheet rows often contain attachments and today someone needs to identify and then manually copy them into the Jira issues created from the automated processes. This request is to include attachments as a field…