Prepopulate Form for Update Request
We use forms to get information from our colleagues and we would want to send them a form prepopulated by their inputs so they can update the information if there are any changes. This would be very useful if we can automate the process and make the items mandatory
Dashboards: Reverting back to a version of a dashboard
Hello Smartsheet Community! New idea / suggestion: can we get the ability to revert back to a version of a dashboard - similar to how the Google Suite works? Use case: we have our engagement managers create external dashboards to share with customers. Sometimes, they overwrite (accidentally) the internal dashboard and…
Set Different Working Days For Specific Tasks Within Same Sheet
I'd like to have different working days for different rows/tasks within the same sheet. This is a feature available in MS Project where you can use multiple calendars and choose which calendar to use for specific tasks/items. This isn't currently possible in SmartSheet. Some tasks exclude weekend work (typical office…
Title format to include H1 for accessibility (Headers start at H2)
Utilizing Wave to confirm accessibility. Title at top of form should be formatted as H1 so that assistive screen readers recognize as a title, pre-heading. We hope this is a simple html fix that would help many users.
Embedding a Form in an Automation Message
I would love the ability to set-up an automation and embed a smartsheet form in the message. Currently, I can only add a link to the form.
Undo Function After Saving
Smartsheet should still allow us to undo after a sheet/report autosaves. This has really frustrated me. As I'm trying out certain things on my sheets, smartsheet will autosave and it totally screws me over. Also, I'm shocked y'all don't have a restore function - where we can restore sheets to an older version if someone…
Please allow user to delete attachments on Dynamic View report
Just admin can delete attached files and user has to wait to see required changes
Send Email to Row in Sheet
Hi I would love the ability to send an email to a sheet in Smartsheet. Trello: https://blog.trello.com/how-to-create-trello-cards-from-email ToDoIs: https://todoist.com/help/articles/forwarding-emails-to-todoist-JPJ1V339 We used to be able to reply in email to a comment that we were notified on and that worked really well.…
Re-size or re-shape form field sizes
The amount of space taken up by form fields is often at odds with the actual size of data being put in. Simple example, if expected data is only 7 characters, and the form field takes the entire row in the form, there is a great deal of wasted space in the form. Would be great to be able to position more than one short…
Sync groups from Active Directory
We use SAML to authenticate users with our on premise Active Directory Server. We would like a way to sync some of our AD groups to Smartsheet groups.