Multi Select Drop Down on Sheet Summary
Currently in Sheet Summary, there is no option for a Multi-Select Drop down field. The request is to incorporate multi select to the drop down field option within Sheet Summary.
Graphing Non-Numeric values
I would love to be able to graph non-numeric values. We recently sent a survey to our staff where many answers were selected from a list of dropdown options. In order to clearly display the results I was looking to create pie charts showing the responses to individual questions and was unable to do so without creating a…
Matrix Multiple Choice Grid on Forms
Has the Smartsheet design team thought at all about incorporating a matrix multiple choice grid? (see screenshot below) My team uses Smartsheet forms for almost everything, but will occasionally opt for a Google Form when a matrix grid is the preferred format. The reason for the preference is often because the grid is a…
Sort Rows with criteria
It would be great if you could use the Sort Row function with a criteria option also. For Example: If I had a range of open and closed requests that have different due dates. Sort rows by "Due Date" with due soonest showing at the top but only the rows where the closed box has not been ticked, the rows that are "closed"…
Search for users from group management home page
I would like be able to search for users without having to know which group that they belong to.
Automation-Feature to Activate/Deactivate ALL
Hi, I have several sheets with more than 20 automations running on each. There are many times I want to update the sheet without triggering certain automations and it would be far easier to be able to activate and deactivate ALL with just one click, could this be a feature added at the top of the Automations page? It…
Daisy Chain Automation - More than 5
I am using automation to create a workflow for a procurement process that needs automation when users update information through an update request. This means there are more than 5 of them and this then gives me the trigger limit notice. I really need more than 5 as this means that we don’t have to keep sharing sheets and…
United Way thermometer graph
The ability to add a UW thermometer graph would be ideal for the type of work we do. See attatched example of what I am talking about
Auto Refresh of Published Dashboards
Currently if I set the dashboard to auto refresh every minute as long as I'm logged in my dashboard will refresh at whatever rate I set it. But I am hosting this dashboard with all employees of the company and need the published version to update based on the interval I set the dashboard to refresh at. It would be nice to…
Count Rows in Reports
Currently there is no way to capture and report the number of rows in a report (or across multiple reports). It is common in dashboard reporting to create a metric (or card visual) to count the number of specific items in a table by simply allowing an application to count the number of unique or distinct rows. For example,…