Ability to remove "Submit" button on Forms
Having the ability to remove the "Submit" button on Smartsheet Forms would be helpful in cases where users need to go to a form to submit a request, but where we have exceptions to the rule. If they answer "Yes" to a specific question at the top of the form, then we show a dependency child question that says "Please reach…
Gmail to smartsheets connection
I'd like to have smartsheets automation to send an email, but it should not look like its sending from smartsheets. Currently, there will be a smartsheets header in the email, but since I'm sending it to people outside my organization, it would be unprofessional to do so.
Button for Automation Triggers
One deficiency Smartsheet has that could be solved is that out of the box application user experience. I think one way this could be solved is to have buttons that could be added to the sheet similar to excel macro buttons. Instead of a macro the button would fire an automation. I think perhaps a commands window could be…
AI for formula in Summary sheet fields
When creating formulas for summaries, starting in the field in the summary, you can click the AI sparkle icon and create the formula. But you cannot Apply the formula to the summary field like you can apply it to a general cell in the sheet. I can copy and paste the formula to the summary field, but why not go all the way…
Drag and Drop Attachments
As many others have also posted, it would be a huge time save to be able to drag and drop row attachments between rows (with availability for either a copy+paste or cut+paste function). Additionally, a cell that could be setup to capture the attachments names... similar to how you can with the "Latest Comment".
Dynamic View - Mobile app - WorkAPP
If you put dynamic view on a dashboard, you can not see it on the mobile app, you need to click on a link and then log in separately. Seems like a miss, But a feature needed ASAP. I will find a workaround but was bummed because it doesn't work.
Bulk Delete Projects in Resource Manager
Bulk delete projects that are archived or not archived. We had an issue where your API automation was creating projects from Smartsheets and it was creating duplicates, i was unable to bulk delete projects. The only thing i could do was mass archive them, now i have tons of archived projects i need to mass delete.
Resource Manager Assignment Box Wider
Currently in Resource Manager the new assignment box is to narrow. When typing the name of a project you are unable to see the name as its cutoff, would be nice to have it scale to project name
Proof notifications - Allow @mention notifications on Proofs to users not shared to sheet
For comments in Proofing window, allow @mention notifications to users not shared to sheet. Currently, if someone is @mentioned on a Proof comment they have to be shared to the sheet to receive a notification. In many cases, confidential information is on the sheet and person commenting should only see the comment and not…
Create Column Formula on Duration column
For a duration column being calculated as the difference between two date/time fields, the Create Column Formula option was unavailable. (Converting the column to a text/number column allowed application of the column formula, which then persisted when converting the column back to a Duration column, so the underlying…