Sync groups from Active Directory
We use SAML to authenticate users with our on premise Active Directory Server. We would like a way to sync some of our AD groups to Smartsheet groups.
Need function or @row formula to get attachment URLs (Index if multiple attachments).
Need a function or @row formula to get the specific attachment URL for any row attachment. This function could be used in a column so @row.GetAttachmentURL(Index) would return a URL. This is similar to the URL generated when the Attachment ->Send email menu option is used. This would allow Automation workflows to send…
Forms and Logic: Renaming drop down item removes logic at form
When you have a form associated with a sheet, and then rename a drop down item at one of the columns for which logic is associated to, you will see the logic disappears at the form. This is an expected result since an error message appears (see screenshot below). I request this not happen. To leave the ability to rename a…
Drop-Down Contact List
When a contact list drop-down is created there should be a better way to edit the options. They appear in alphabetical order when the drop-down is used but default to the order in which they were added when the drop-down list is edited. This makes it very tedious to edit the drop-down lists. It would be much better if the…
Merged: Addition of Horizontal Scroll Bar
This discussion has been merged.
Forms: Telephone Number Validation - number of digits required
Currently unable to use telephone no. validation for Forms, as the validation requires Form users to enter a 10-digit number for New Zealand - standard mobile numbers in NZ differ between 9 and 10 digits. It would be great if the data validation could be updated to allow for phone numbers that are different to the default…
Turn All Automations Off or On
Sometimes i would like to implement changes to a sheet that would trigger automations that i don't want being sent out. One such sheet has several dozen automations. Turning them all off, implementing my change, and turning all the automations back on, could be a faster process.
Adding a date format for MM/YYYY
Can we add an additional short date format in a MM/YYYY style.
Add Email Distribution Lists Functionality to Contact Columns & Workflows
Our team and company use email distribution lists frequently, so it would be incredibly useful to be able to assign an email distribution list to a contact column and workflows so all members on that list would be notified accordingly.
Cell History in Sheet Summary Cells
It would be helpful to be able to look at the cell update history of cells in sheet summaries as you would any other cell in a sheet.