Change Formatting in Reports
It would be very convenient to be able to format a report different than the sheet. One purpose of a report is to bring multiple sheets of data together, but often those different sheets have different formatting which can make your report look awful. If you could format your report at the report level, it would solve all…
Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level
Dear Smartsheet Development Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest an enhancement to the conditional formatting features in Smartsheet. As a frequent user of your platform, I have found that while Smartsheet offers robust functionalities, there are limitations in the conditional formatting…
Version Control/Backups That Maintain Cell Links
I have seen some posts referencing similar pain points, but thought I would try to distill it into one idea post: Smartsheet is awesome at so many things, but one place where it lags behind other cloud productivity solutions is in its ability to backup, back rev, and implement version control. Yes, you can view history on…
Chart Labels: drag labels overlap & stacked column labels
The chart labels overlap and font sizes cannot be adjusted. Workarounds are applied such as expanding the chart horizontally or vertically depending on the chart type, or another suggestion was to "Fill Line option for the "Actual" to show the difference between the two." these are work-arounds not the real solutions. I…
Dashboard Widgets - Borders and Backgrounds
when adding metric widgets to a dashboard it is currently very difficult to separate different pcs of information. A simple change for this would be to give the option for background colors and borders on the widgets (this can be extended to other widgets as well)
Select which columns to copy or move from one sheet to another
As part of the automation it is possible to copy or move a row from a source sheet to a destinatio0n sheet. At this point all columns are copied/moved, and if a column do not exist it will be created in the source sheet. The request for this improvement, is to allow the admin or owner of a sheet to select which columns…
Set a Min-Max for Axis on Charts
I really like Dashboards and how it can visually tell where a project is at. What I do not like are the fluid charts. I would like to be able to set a Min-Max axis instead of having the axis change as items progress. Case in point with this script update - the min is 86% and the max is 102%. I want it to show from 0-100%.
Indent/Outdent Rows not showing on Reports and Dashboards
I have a Project Schedule "Sheet" that has several parent and child rows. When I created a "Report" for this same sheet, I noticed that the parent/child rows are not showing on the "Report". For example, the report is not allowing me to see which rows are indented/outdented. It would be very helpful to have a way that the…
Lock single cell
It would be very useful to lock a single cell. I see it's been asked many times on the community but I did not find anyone submitted it as an idea
Please enhance Column Contacts and Form Contacts by allowing Groups to be used!
I could go on about it, but there are some basic “table-stakes” sorts of features that need to be incorporated into how column contact lists are handled within Smartsheet. First and foremost, please, for the 37th time, allow us to drag a group in and create items contacts within a column contact list. ALSO, please make it…