MMM YYYY Date Format
I would propose another short date format is added that shows month and year as MMM YYYY.
Pre-Built Chart Color Schemes
Our team would find it very useful to create pre-built themes for charts without affecting the rest of the dashboard. As an example, we use a color scheme of red/blue/green/gray for status updates but would love the ability to save a palette of different shades of blue to display other metrics without confusing end users…
ISO 8601
ISO 8601 ISO 8601 ISO 8601 ISO 8601
Stop Predecessors from being deleted when a date is deleted
Sometimes we need to just delete the dates to start fresh or copy rows to use for another project, but deleting the dates also deletes the predecessors. I was trying to test a schedule template with many hours of work on defining the predecessors. When I wanted to blank out the dates again so it could be used as a blank…
Individual Resource Calendars Built in Project Schedules
As a PM I would Like to Create PTO Calendars for my Resources or Project Calendar, so that it will Not Schedule work on those Days for those Resources. Today I have Manually Look at there PTO Calendars (External App) and Adjust My Project Schedule. This is Time Consuming and inefficient. Thanks
Card View Printing
Hello, Looking to get a brainstorm going for card view printing in Smartsheet. This functionality would be beneficial to end-users. Thanks!
Reduce Lag Time for Automation Triggering
The lag time to trigger Smartsheet Automations is extremely variable and often far too long (usually 1-2 minutes, but Smartsheet claims could take up to 15!). This is a frequent complaint from my users and significantly limits the utility of these features. I frequently need to use a copy or move row automation as the…
PDF forms - allow PDF creation without setting up a fillable PDF ahead of time
It would be beneficial to create PDF forms from smartsheet form to allow users to file out their data sheet. Then, it produces a PDF document with the related details where we can generate a PDF form directly from the document builder without uploading a fillable PDF file. Datasheet. Or we can create a PDF form directly…
Timeline - bar positions / sort
ability to customize sort order / ability to move the bars to specific vertical places
Log in as another user
As an admin, when I'm testing out new workflows or other things within RM or Smartsheet, I want to know exactly what users will experience with different permissions and access levels. Right now Smartsheet/RM do not offer this feature, but it would be helpful. I have used this feature in Workfront - link to more…