Tooltip for icons & Dashboards
Just a minor request - When going on a report, sheet, etc. to have a tooltip when you hover over the icon next to the title to let people know what kind of information they're looking at. Sometimes people forget or don't know if they're looking at a report or a sheet so I think having this little tooltip to help people…
Add collaboration functionality to allow multiple people edit word docs in smart sheets
Add collaboration functionality to allow multiple people to edit word docs in smart sheets. A nice addition would be check functionality for docs when people are editing, and even better would be the ability to attach a word doc to smartsheet and have multiple people able to edit it at the same time. I currently use…
Report Grouping - Full collapse
Issue - If you have multiple groupings in a Report and you want the report to be Collapsed. There is no way to select what grouping you want to stay open/closed. In my example, I want the Region level to be shown but not the Quarters. there is no way to pick which group is the priority to stay open or closed. I think…
Widgets need option to be locked on the grid in edit mode
Widgets need option to be locked on the grid in edit mode. That way when new widgets are created and moving around it doesn’t rearrange your layout unintentionally.
Mobile App Sheet Filtering
We have technicians out in the field using Smartsheets on mobile devices. It would be very helpful for them to be able to create filters on the app instead of calling me to create the filter they need on my desktop. I have quite a few created ahead for them but there are instances that come up where it would be helpful for…
Donut Chart metric display
It would be great if inside the circle or semi-circle of a Donut-style Chart widget in a Dashboard, we could display a key metric such as the total amount of the values/amounts shown in each segment. like this... This is supposedly what a donut chart is designed to do. It could be achieved by adding an option to either the…
Allow changes to default workspace view
When I open a workspace, the most important information - the names of the items within that workspace - are so minimized that I can't distinguish one from another. It would be REALLY helpful to be able to choose what information to be displayed in the workspace. For example, being able to hide the owner, shared to, or…
Dependencies visibility in project sheet
Improve the visibility into the task dependencies in the project sheet via function/formula or inbuilt capability to display dependent task names
Dashboard + Google Doc fix
I've currently embedded a google doc into a dashboard, and I am an admin of the dashboard and editor of the google doc. This then effects where my cursor lands when I'm open the dashboard. Here's how support explained it: "For Editors, Admins, and Owners: When a user has Editor, Admin, or Owner permissions on the…
Allow New Users Under the New User Subscription Model to be set to Viewer
Currently when adding a new user - they are hard-coded as a Member. I have a client who knows the user will be only a Viewer and not have access to edit any sheets. She has to wait until the next day to go in and update the user to Viewer. This is really inefficient, and frustrating. They are busy and don't want to have to…