certain cells remain locked until specific data is entered in another cell
I would like the ability to lock not an entire column or row, but just a single cell, and then unlock it when data is added to another cell. The solution could be implemented as a workflow.
Board View Details Panel: Locked Fields & Formula indicators Next to the Title
Currently, in the Edit Details pane of the new Board View, any fields (columns) that are locked or are formulas, display the respective icon underneath the input box and show a full description – "This field is locked and can only be edited by…" or "Formula fields can't be edited…". It would be better if these lock and fx…
Re-order displayed columns in Board View
I have already posted this as feedback - and now as a new idea… In the new Board View, if I want to change the order of the columns displayed on my card, I have to de-select the columns up to the order number that I want to insert at, then re-select the same/additional columns in the exact order that I want to see…
Updating Permission Levels of Smartsheet Roles
I'd really like to see the ability for Smartsheet Admin users to be able to modify the permission levels of the existing Smartsheet roles (i.e. Viewer, Commenter, Editor, Admin, etc.). The existing roles provide flexibility in permission levels, but we need a way to modify these (even just slightly) to better fit our user…
Dynamic View - Sheet Name from Reports
Whenever you setup a Dynamic View for a report, it does not currently pull in the underlying URL related to the Sheet Name column from a report (all that shows is the name). It would be very useful for this functionality to be updated so that if users did want to navigate to a source sheet, then they could just use the…
Send License Invite from the Licensed User people list
When licensing a user - from archived, unmanaged or managed User you need to go into that User you want to invite which takes several clicks and browser back button which takes approximately 20 seconds to do. Why not just have a simple one click at the Licensed User People screen. This would be a time saver - I have 250…
Color the entire card and board
I want a way to color code the cards for boards and cards. I know you can do conditional formatting for the taskbar but I would like the whole card colored not just a small part.
Card View Limit Issue
Since the card view is limited to 64 columns, it would be great if there was a way to filter the columns. for example, we have about 100 clients, but only 60 with currently active projects. On my all projects lists, i wanted to view active projects by client. Even when i filter for only active clients, it still creates a…
'Fill down' for entire selected rows
It would be useful to fill down all cells in a row without having to highlight each box. It would be a lot easier to select the 2 row numbers and use the shortcut "Ctrl + D" Right now, you have to select the top left and bottom right corners and then "Ctrl + D"
Create Simple Report from Sheet
I used to be able to create a report from within a sheet by clicking File —> Create —> Report (or something along those lines). I create small reports to grab pertinent data from sheets often, and the additional hoops to do something so simple is problematic and stressful when I'm trying to get information ASAP. [Someone…