Dropdown Menu fonts conflicting with cell background
Hello! When a drop down value is used where light font is chosen, it renders the font within the drop down option unreadable because smartsheet applies a light background color to the down values themselves. See below. Work around is to clone each conditional formatting rule to apply darker font to certain columns, but…
Send attachment or automations without access to sheet.
Do you know if there are any plans to make this a reality. It would be great if my users did not have access to the sheets when receiving an automation.
Folders or Groups to Sort and Organize Workspaces
I have a lot of workspaces active for a lot of initiatives, it would be great to have a tab/label/folder to store my workspaces depending on my personal criteria for grouping them. This would help reduce clutter and let me find where I need to work even faster because adding everything to favorites will eventually become…
Email address for a sheet
Would love to be able to send an email directly to a sheet without using the Outlook Smartsheet plug in. This would enable an outlook rule to automatically send regular emails, such as a daily .csv report from Salesforce, directly to a sheet that would in turn trigger datashuttle.
Allow End Date to be updated using the Smartsheet & Jira Integration
In our specific case, we use Smartsheet as the source of truth that feeds Start & End dates to the Jira board as that platform is preferred by the Engineers. However, due to dependencies enabled, the End date will not populate in Jira. In our case, enabling unidirectional from Smartsheet to Jira would be appreciated.…
Widget for Legacy Resource Management
A widget to display Legacy Resource Management and the Resource view's that can be created from them on a dashboard would be helpful during meetings for showing overlapping allocation and workload look-ahead.
Landscape orientation for Forms
Not sure if this has already been proposed, but one of my colleagues wants a landscape orientation for their Form. I have not been able to find such a thing. If it already exists -great! Point me in the right direction please! If not, I would love to have this as an enhancement, thank you so much.
Adding Slicers to Dashboards
Hi, I'd like to suggest a product improvement. My users at my new company are mostly used to excel/powerbi/standard queries, and they keep asking me to duplicate dynamic dashboard functionality inside of smartsheet. This is mildly achievable with the legend, but real breakdowns I generally have to build many subsets of…
Using an alias to pull together data from two sheets that have different column titles only
It would be very useful to be able to tell a report that a column labeled "Assigned To" in one sheet and a column Labeled "Responsible Party" in another sheet represents the same information for reporting purposes. I can't see this as a feature suggestion based on how I was searching for it, but I did see an abundance of…
New Home Page - Sheet Listing
Please enable right-click on the sheets listed in the new Home Page design. I always have multiple tabs open, and this new structure doesn't allow me to do that within the Home Page. It feels like a step backward. Thanks!