Smartsheet API to assign a resource management project
Please provide an API that enables me to assign a resource management project to a sheet. Also allow for a query to see what resource management project may already be assigned to sheet.
API to set a contacts sheet column to a placeholder
Current, when using the smartsheet API, you can only set a sheet contact column to an email address. However, if the sheet is attached to a resource manager project, it needs to also allow setting to a RM placeholder.
Export comments in a separate workbook tab with Data Shuttle
Hi All, I'm using Data Shuttle to offload a Smartsheet for further refinement and analysis. When I normally export the Smartsheet into an Excel File, it includes the comments on the rows as a separate workbook tab, but when offloading the Smartsheet into a file via an automated process, the comments are lost. It would be…
Removing Users: remove from all contact dropdown options when deactivating
Hello: When removing a User from our account, then I have to go into countless Sheets to remove User from each Contact List field. It would be amazing if there was an option when removing a User that it would also remove them from Contact Drop down list (previously selected).
Form to PDF
Wish the forms would generate a nice PDF that is clean and auto email to whoever.....when a condition is met
Generate a PDF, collecting multiple row, based on a criteria
It would be very much interesting to have an automation that would generate a PDF, collecting all rows that would met a certain criteria. For example a list of articles that would met the same order nr. So, the user would have to enter one order nr and include below several articles. Like if you filter a column
enable attachment upload for specific user or sheet
Please can you make it possible to enable the ability to upload documents (Attachments) for either specific users or specific sheets. Currently it can only be turned on for the whole organisation however, this is in conflict with Organisational Security Policies where the ability to do this needs to be controlled to limit…
Copy of Move Row from another sheet to land on top line - Same option as with Forms!
We make use of the Grid View and I use a Dummy sheet to collect the data from an input form and then after applying certain criteria it is copied to the main sheet where more calculations and actions take place. My workflow is such that I need it to land on the top line and adopt the cell formulas of the row directly…
Edit in Card View
Similar to the way that there a tabs on the right side to see comments and attachments, can we add an "Edit" tab for Card View? When I am editing multiple cards, I would be able to do so quicker, if I could permanently have an "Edit" tab open so that when I right click on the Card, all of my editable fields will be easily…
Negative Number Formatting in Parenthesis
As a Smartsheet user, I want a standard numbering format to display negative numbers in parenthesis with proper thousands/millions/etc. commas and currency symbols, in order to visually display negative numbers in more of an accounting style rather than the standard negative symbol. I've had multiple colleagues ask if…