Milestones displayed as diamonds in Calendar App
Currently, all tasks including milestones are displayed as a bar in Calendar App. Checkmark at the bottom of bar for milestones is not immediately visible. It will be useful to customize the symbol, specifically have the ability to switch milestones to diamonds, in Calendar App.
Ability to Copy to Another Sheet for the Parent Row of a Project Sheet
Requesting the ability to copy a parent row in a project sheet to another sheet, without copying all children rows.
Copy row without formatting
It would be very helpful if the automation to copy a row from one sheet to another could be done without the formatting going along for the ride. It's tedious to have to undo formatting from the source sheet in the target every time a row is added.
Symbol Explanations
Can we add a mechanism that lets a user hover over a symbol in a sheet or dashboard and get an explanation for the symbol For example, Green dot = Excellent, Red dot = Serious, Blue dot = task closed, Yellow dot = Watch. User should be able to define what the symbol means. Thanks.
Global Update Workspace Logo and Colors
Hoping there will be a future ability to update all Smartsheet workspace logos and colors from an administrative perspective across the board. At the very least creating some type of API call to revert to Account Color Settings and Logo so someone doesn't have to manually click on every workspace (I personally have 232…
Automation Creating Folders and Workspace
I'd like to be able to create Folders and Workspaces through automation.
Dashboard Improvement - ability to draw
I would like to be able to draw inside the dashboard, that is, to have the creation of lines and other figures available. However, the positioning of elements on the dashboard should be more flexible, that is, I would like to be able to overlay elements, whose transparency could reveal other data or images in the…
Add Google Doc merge to automatic document generation
It would be very helpful for our work if we could create a mapping to a Google Doc merge template, instead of a fillable PDF format, for the document generation workflow. Most of our forms are done using Smartsheet Forms, so fillable PDFs are not necessary, but we do create quite a lot of documents using the Smartsheet…
New Function - "PREDECESSORS"
"PREDECESSORS" = similar to current "SUCCESSORS" function but returns the row references for predecessor tasks in dependency enabled project sheets. The values returned should be referenceable values in other formulas, e.g. omitting the SS/FS/FF task constraints in the dependency column so index/match formulas can be…
Report or notification when the automated workflow email is bounced back
Hi There, We have set up an automated workflow to notify the email address provided in the form field "Email". We are wondering if there is a way for us to know when the system fails to notify the email id in the email field due to the incorrect email address entered by the student. Could you please advise us if there is a…