Workapps Default Role
I would like the ability for users assigned to multiple workapp roles to select a default role that will appear upon sign in without needing additional toggling.
Allow embedding or linking to workload schedule in core SS
First, I'm loving the new workload schedule in core Smartsheet! We do not own Resource Management (and it's not on the roadmap to own) and have been managing multiple sheets (one for projects, one for assignments) to track workload. While there is still a way to go, it's a good start (I do still miss the old core resource…
Scenario planning for Resource Capacity Management
Currently it is very difficult to do resource capacity planning for different scenarios across a project portfolio. The People view does not recalculate the resource allocation percentage when filtering projects so. you cannot see the difference when excluding a project. You also cannot try out different scenarios where…
Column widths should be lockable
I'd really like to have the ability to lock a column width and/or have the column remember each person's/device's last width setting. See: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/87852/lock-column-width I work with several sheets multiple times a day that I share with a co-editor. Because of differing screen sizes and…
Bubble Chart / Heat Map
It would be nice to have the following: 1) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Impact for a given project 2) using a range of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 13, 21, 32 3) sum up the criteria for the Impact to use as a value in the bubble chart 4) a poll that collects data based off of criteria for Effort for a given…
User Merge feature for System Admins
We require users to access Smartsheet via Single Sign On and experience many domain changes due to rebranding, which often results in multiple Smartsheet accounts being created. Because we don't have a centralized instance of Smartsheet, we had a workaround to merge user accounts. It involved using the alternate email…
Add Salesforce Connector OR logic
Please add OR logic so that multiple values may be selected form source table. Or perhaps this could be achieved by creating a selection "In List" and allow us a list of values that would validate the selection logic. In our case we would like to select multiple values for "Salesforce → Leads Table → RecordType: Name:"…
EXTRACT function: select data between defined tags
Create an EXTRACT function to extract data between defined beginning and end tags. =EXTRACT(start string, end string, target cell/range) USE CASE While there are many use cases for this function, I see it as a way to facilitate “lightweight” cross-sheet referencing. This function would allow you to package data from one…
add a notepad
add a notepad to each line in column 1 same as attach, comment, proof and reminder. This would allow to keep notes on project like a check list of materials and what to order maybe phone numbers and contacts maybe meeting notes.
Form Templates
Hi, I think a great idea would be a more dynamic and changable form layout & also some Form Templates? A great example is a BRD Form, a form for a BRD would have Multiple requirements for Bullet Points & Tables e.g A Table containing The User, Their Role, Their Approval Status, The Table could be added based on set &…