Filter Capability and Control for Published Smartsheet Reports
I have a really great report I created from a Smartsheet that would be almost perfect if the published report could be filtered, specifically only with the filters that I allow people to use. Why? Because currently I have to give each individual who requests it, access to my report, which is tedious …but they need to have…
Inclusion of Workspace name in Backup Failure email
In the email communication of Backup failure, please include the Workspace name so the user can identify and scheule a manual backup. In the completion email, name of workspace gets included but in the failure email, it doesn't.
Pivot App - upgrade interface to be user friendly
This app needs improvements. In Excel pivot table is straight forward, easy to use and diplays very nice. In Smartsheet you have several steps and the display not great. Please upgrade the interface to be more user friendly and display better.
Reports: sharing requirements to @mention in comments
I often run reports to gather specific teams' data across multiple schedules into one easy-to-access place. I realized recently that report users cannot @mention people in comments, even if those people are shared to the base sheet being pulled into the report. Instead, the @mention must also be shared to the report. I…
Remove confidential info when sending external automation email
Send an attachment through an Alert to an external source by having the document trigger the Alert, but not providing the recipient with any other confidential sheet info currently included in typical Alert emails. See attached example where everything marked in blue should be removed from the external email.
Contact list referencing the list of users in the system admin screen
"On the fly users" should be able to be turned off. It would be nice in the contact list column type to reference only the list of users in the system admin user screen. By creating users on the fly we don't have a accurate view of all users to add those to automated workflows.
Current User System Field
System Field that captures who the current user is so you can use formulas or logic based on that.
Circular References and Self-Referential Formulae
I attempted to build a formula that sums the values of certain rows beneath it in the project stack. It worked for a while but ran egregiously slow and eventually broke when new rows were added in key positions. I would like to be able to build recursively to mimic the ingrained % Complete formula.
Reuse Global Updates in Control Center
You should be able to use a global update more than once in Control Center, essentially setting up a template like you can with, for example, Data Shuttle. Many of my global updates will be the same one or two actions, like updating a column formula in my template, performed multiple times over time. It's cleaner and more…
Enhanced Field Linking - Editable Both Ways
Add the fucntionality to link fields, however have these fields editable in either sheet. This can be added as a toggle when linking fields, and will allow the editing of fields directly from the summary sheets, rather than needing to navigate to the back end data.