Export column descriptions
It should be made possible to download the column descriptions when exporting a Smartsheet to Excel.
Dashboard open ALL Metrics in New Tab
Need the option to open all metrics (sheets, reports, etc) into a new tab when clicked on from the dashboard. Setting up URLs for each metric is PAINFUL to set up vs Smartsheet pages directly when using control center for blueprint building out projects.
Maintain Triggers When Moving Bridge Workflow to a New Workspace
I learned the hard way today that moving a Bridge workflow to a new workspace removes the trigger. This is a big design flaw. Minimum request: Provide a warning to users when they attempt to move workflows to a new workspace, so they can decide whether it's worth it to set up all of those triggers again. Best option:…
Trigger a workflow based on Sheet Summary Change (Bridge & Sheet Automations)
It would be nice if we were natively able to trigger an automation based on a change in sheet summary. I would like to be able to set this trigger up in Bridge, along with the ability to do this in regular sheet automations as well.
Collapse Dashboard Widget to Title
Allow Dashboard Widgets to "dynamically" use the dashboard space extents by allowing more user interaction to put a particular widget "in focus" and to display the widget contents "Over" other widgets. I envision using the Parent/Child relationship similar to Row data on sheets. Example: Widget Title would be the Parent…
Easier Bridge data references
When referencing data in Bridge, you must either copy or type in references like {{states.startstate.smartsheet.get_sheet.sheet.rows.0.cells}}. It would be FAR more intuitive and easy to use if Bridge could apply a logical short reference to the steps and resulting data. So for example, in a short Get Sheet workflow, the…
Functionality for Hiding Workspaces
It would be great if there was a feature that allowed you to hide workspaces. The functionality is there for hiding rows or columns in a sheet, so why not for entire workspaces?
Multiple selection dropdown formatting in Metric Widget
Hi all! As of now, when using a Metric Widget in a dashboard that pulls from a multi select dropdown field, the values appear like this (see image), a blue-ish/cyan color as a background. It would be great to be able to customize the colors or even better, from a consistency perspective, to have the formatting pulled from…
Email option for generated documents
For reasons I won't get into here, we are required to disable the 'Upload Attachments' option. This severely limits our ability to generate documents in day-to-day use. It would be great if the Generate Document automation had an option to email a contact in a cell, rather than only the 'Document will be attached to row'…
Post Badges to LinkedIn
Wouldn't it be cool if we could post our Smartsheet badges to our LinkedIn profiles? That way, when someone is looking for our experiences, or seeking someone for assistance, they would know the badges we've earned!